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It's hard to explain the feeling you get when wondering the old streets of London. If you were to be honest, the feeling you might get would depend on the person you might ask. For example, if you were to ask any random bloke wandering the pavement, they might respond, 'Well, suppose it depends on the time of day.' They aren't wrong, of course. After all, there's a fine line between how these old London streets might feel during the day, and how they might feel at night.

Though, why does it matter anyway? Just a feeling, isn't it? Well yes, obviously. But it's so much more than that. It's a differentiation between polar opposites. A balance between good and evil.

There's the day; the light, the bright when all is seen and nothing is unknown. There are no secrets, no threats, no danger. Only knowledge and understanding. It is the representation of good. The light. The day.

Then, there's the night; the dark, the time when things are mysterious and ominous, and you always have that itch at the back of your mind that convinces you that something just isn't quite right. It's a time when goblins and monsters lurk the streets in the black cover of shadows. Off to find their next prey, then vanish back into the darkness. Why do you think so many are afraid of the dark? It is the manifestation of evil and cruelty.

Now, you might be wondering, 'Why should any of this matter?' Well, allow me to educate you further. That feeling of unease, that feeling of uncertainty. That feeling of fear that accompanies the sight of shadow. That eerie sense you feel in the black of night, it is the darkness that resides in the heart of all humanity. It is the very fuel that makes the world go around, choose to believe it or not. It is a power that pumps through the veins of all people. Though, it might not choose to show often, it is always there. Just waiting to emerge. I am that power. I am that feeling, that darkness, that fuel. That caged beast at the heart of all humanity.

I am the spirit of London at night.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2020 ⏰

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