Ugly Truth

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Jacob took off down the stairs.

"Mrs Hills!" I guess the truth's going to come out.

I hear Jacob slam the back door shut and reopen it five seconds later. 


Mum and Jacob came into my room, I'm still laying on the floor, tears rolling down my flaming cheeks. Mum gasps with shock and walks over to me. She's scared of me and I know it.

Mum's trying to say something but she's just opening her mouth and closing it like a stunned fish. "H-h-hospit-tal.... n-n-now!" 

Jacob grabs his phone out of this jeans and dials 000. 

"Hello, yes I need an ambulance immediately. Please no delays. Thank you." Jacob stabs at his phone and hangs up. "They're on their way."

Mum nods and orders Jacob to wait outside the house. The room becomes silent, mum's staring at me, her eyes started filling up with tears and became red and puffy, while I'm staring at me reflection. A young girl, laying on the floor with nothing but two large white wings covering her chest and stomach.

"When?" Mum swipes a tear away from her cheek.

"Today." My throat is dry and I started losing my voice, I went back to staring at my reflection and the floor, still having tears falling and making a small puddle on my flooring.

8 minutes later

I see the ambulance's lights and the sirens screaming as they pull into our driveway. I hear them as they retrieve the bed from the back of their ambulance and make their way into the house.

"Where's the patient? How bad's the injury?" One the paramedics asked, he had a deep voice, waking me up more.

"Upstairs, please be aware, it's not what I think you would expect." Mum warns the paramedics but they nod and make their way upstairs.

They enter the room.

"Oh my." The paramedics back away from me as I look up.

"Call for back-up." One says while the other was already half way in his bag looking for his radio.

"Everything will be alright." The paramedic without the phone walks over and sits on my bed, just looking at me. The other paramedic is standing at my doorway, talking into the radio and having his back towards me.

"What's the issue?" the reciever of the radio call questioned.

"Code Red."

"Calling in back-up, will be there in three minutes, stand by."

The paramedic turns the radio off and turns around, staring at me and then at the paramedic.

"Back-ups coming, I think you should just stand back until the professionals come and handle the situation." The paramedic on my bed sighs and stands up and moves towards the doorway where the other one is still standing, he looked uneasy at me.

Everyone's scared of me! Am I a monster?

A couple of minutes pass and I start hearing more sirens, this time red and blue lights flash, reflecting off my walls. A black van pulls into my driveway.

Six men wearing black uniforms, helmets and mask make their way upstairs and enter the room, all of them are holding guns in my direction.

"Ma'am, we would like you to stay calm and silent, we are arresting and moving you to a facility." A man shouts, he seemed to be the leader of the group. Two men standing at the back come forward, holding chains instead of handcuffs. They enclosed me into the chains, wrapping them around me and my new limbs, my wings. They take me to the van holding the chains and still holding the guns in my direction.

I pass my Mum and Jacob, both look uneasy and scared. Jacob looked more worried. 

I glanced at him and went back to drooping my head, staring at me feet.

I got into the van where I was locked in a cage at the back of the van.

I'm an animal, a monster, an alien.

We start driving away, I stare out the back of the van, I see my house getting smaller and smaller, we turn right, off my street.

Will I ever see my home..... again?

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