Lab coats and guns

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I've been in the van, caged away for three hours, I'm staring out of the van side window when one of the men slam his gun on the cage.

"We're here!"

On the other side of the road, a large building stood, surrounded by four metre high barbed wire, security cameras enclosed the building, scanning the property for trespassers. We entered the property, passing security men in black uniforms, unable to see their faces, all holding automatics and a pistol in their side of their cargo pants. One if the men made their way towards the van, checking for ID.

"ID needed sir." The man demanded, leaning next to the van, looking in and taking a glance at us passengers. The van driver pulls out his ID, handing it to the security man.

"Colonel, sir, you're back early. Captain expected you back not until three days time, do you have the needed package?"

Package! Is that what they think of me!

"Yes, easier than we thought." The security man leans into the window and eyeball's me, he nodds and looks back at the driver.

"Very well, enterance clear." The security man stands back and gives the gate guard a signal. The barbed wired gate opens without sound and we drive through.

"One wrong move ma'am, this will go straight through your head." One of the men orders, pointing at his gun, I move as far back as I can and press my back against the cage, I sigh and try and relax, but being in these chains is impossible, instead I stare out at the building.

Si-Cex, it said on the side of the building and underneath it wrote, Where the lies are broken.

I wondered what it meant just as the driver slams the breaks on, I fall forward and slam my head on the cage wall.

"Damn it." I sigh holding my head in my hands, the men open the side doors and got out, arriving at the back of the van and opening the back, where I'm blinding up the sun and black figures holding guns. 

"Get out." Shouts the front man as he opens the cage's door and grabs my arm and yanks me out, I fall to the ground, covered in chains. I try getting up, instead two men grab either arms of mine and begin dragging me to the front of the building where it appeared, three scientists are waiting, two women and one man, all wearing large white coats and face masks.

"Good evening Ms Hills, I'm Doctor WhiteWood, but you can call me Sara." One of the women walks up to me, her dark, curly hair pulled back in a tight bun. "This is my assissant, Doctor Kelly, call her Natasha and my professor, Professor O'Smith, please call him Anthony though." She introduces me to the others, Natasha's long blonde hair tied up in a middle ponytail with eye piercing ice blue eyes and Anthony, with shaggy brown hair slicked back, holding a clipboard, appearing to be writing something down, while glancing up at me.

"What do you want?" I growl, frowning as I'm being restrained by the men.
"We were hoping to make an agreement with you." Sara pulls out some paperwork from her coat's pocket and unfolds it, showing it to me.

"We were hoping at do some testing with you, find out what exactly you are and see if we can make, maybe a cure?"

"Of course not! You guys restrained me in chains, being locked up in the back of the van in a cage, being treated like a wild animal! A monster!"

Sara sighs and begins talking again. "But Ms Hills, your species is one of a kind! Your supernatural power could change society! Help humanity grow and become stronger, smarter!"

"Doctor, I don't even know what the hell I am!"

"That's why we're here! To help unsolve what you are." 

I sigh and glance down at the ground.

I wish Jacob was here

"Please Ms Hills, you are wanted by people, you're known dangerous now, you can't go back to your home, please help us with our research."

I frown and snap. "No!"

Sara frowns and looks at the men who are restraining me. "Take her in."

The men tighten their grip and start walking towards the enterance, I try my hardest and fight back, trying to avoid entering the building but I guess Sara didn'et enjoy me fighting back, she comes up behind us and zaps me with a tazer. 

"Take her to room FJ98, lets make her stay unforgettable."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2020 ⏰

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