Chapter 1

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Warning: swearing
Aurora's POV

I was sitting quietly on my balcony at I think 4am. Stupid insomnia.. I didn't really know what else to do at a time like this, surprise to no one this happens a lot. So I go to my safe place my balcony. As I'm listening to my playlist 'I want to drown out my thoughts' looking out at the black abyss that is known as a sky to many I wonder what I will do today, it is a school day so I'm going to school with no sleep so Jack and coffee are going to keep me up and going today.

Jack. Gosh he is my one and only best friend and I'm so happy I have him as my friend. I check the clock again on my phone while being momentarily blinded by the light. 5:30am. I guess I should start getting ready and walking to school cause it's not like my hungover dad is gunna drive me. I get up and silently open the door and walk to my room grabbing an oat bar on my way from the kitchen for breakfast. I slip in my room and open my draws to find the only thing I wear polos and black pants and well hoodies. I grab a red polo and a pair of black jeans. I put them on and put on my black belt with it and slip on my combat boats. Tucking in my shirt while eating my makeshift breakfast I grab my bag and books, put on my glasses which are on my nightstand. I quickly brush my hair and walk downstairs, grabbing the keys from the rack, opening the door and start my 3km treck to school. Fun.

*timeskip to school*

As I walk through the school gates at precisely 8am I was trampled by Jack with a hug. "RORY!!" Jack almost screamed at me while jumping on me. "JACK!!" I screamed back, I noticed we got a few weird looks but right now I didn't care. We both sit up laughing out heads off. "So how was your weekend?" Jack asked me after we stopped laughing and started walking to the lockers. "Oh I did the most fun thing!" I say in the most obnoxious/sarcastic voice I could muster. "I stayed in my room contemplating life and listening to music. What else do you think I did." I said after a long pause of jack giving me a bitch face. "Omg jack what did you do on your weekend?? Oh thanks for askin-" Jack started to say but I cut him off with a sigh and say "omg jack what did you do on your weekend?" Jack paused with a pout since I said it really high pitch just to annoy him. "As I was saying I mayormaynothavecomeouttomyparentsastransandpanandtheyACCEPTEDMEIMSOHAPPY!!" (Translation I may or may not have come out to my parents as trans and pan and they accepted me I'm so happy!!) Jack said was to quickly for me to process in the morning but since I'm an expert in fast mumbling I just started squealing in the middle of the hallways cause "THAT IS SO FUCKING AMAZING OMG IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU JACK!!" I yelled and then hugged my best friend to death. "I KNOW RIGHT!" He yelled back. *DING DING DING* the bell rang and be both groaned in annoyance because we have different tutor groups. I said goodbye to jack and went into the direction of my class. This day started off okay. Let's hope it goes well to. I think to myself while I take a sit in my classroom.

Welp I'm sorry this took so long to come out I literally have no motivation/creativity (let's just say I'm good at coming up with story ideas just never good at executing them) so yeah also if u wanna help me write this just message me on this or something I don't know okay au revoir.
Word count-643


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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2020 ⏰

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