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Lili Pov

Today I have a competition and a date with Cole. When I told Barb she was so happy and wants me to tell her everything.

I got ready for my solo.  I saw Cole in the stands waving I gave back. 



I look behind me to see Cole holding Rose's.

Lili; Hi
He hands them to me. I smiled.

Cole: Hi you ready.

I nod

As we got into his car I got a call.

Barbara: Hi my first place winner best friend

She screams

Lili: Hi

Barbara: You did so good I will be in the front row  at the Olympics cheering the loudest

Lili: I know you will, anyways how is the honeymoon

Barbara: So good, our room is right on the beach we could walk out and will be there.

Lili: Aww that's nice in joy Barb talk to you later

Barbara: Love you

Lili: Love you too.

Cole: Okay we're here.

I look at the  big house

Lili: This is yours

He just nods helping me out the car. He opens the door and dogs start running to use.

Cole: Guys

The dogs start licking me

Cole: Sorry

Lili: It is fine I love puppies, what're your names.

Cole: This is Ben and Lucy

Lili: Aww every nices to meet you

Cole: I ordered some food it should be here soon.

Lili: Cool. Can I change into something better?

Still in my dress with some sweats on top which was kind of cold and wet.

He nodded pointing me to the door.

After I changed I walked to coach with Cole. 

Cole: So what do we order do you have a diet to follow. 

Lili: No I'm fine

Cole; So pizza or chines

Lili: Why not both

Cole: This might just work out 

He winks. 

Cole and I just sit around and talk all night while eating and watching T.V.

Cole: Would you like to come to my match on Friday.

Lili: Sure 

I cuddle into his side.

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