3 Months In

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Lili POV

Cole I have been together for 3 months now.  I been the best three months of my life. Barbara and Dylan are having a baby and tomorrows their gender revil.
Cole: I can't believe my brothers having a baby
Lili: You I can't believe my best friend having a baby I bet it's a boy

Cole: No..no..no it a girl.
Lili: Boy
Cole: Girl
Lili: It a boy I sweet little baby boy and his name will be Leo

Cole: Leo really

Lili: Yep we've always talked about it that's been here name for her baby boy sints we where 6

Cole: How did you come up with that name

Lili: Watching Tannic and Romeo and Juliet those are going to be Romeo and Juliet

Cole: Hey hold on your naming our baby what ...

Lili: Yes I'm naming them that

Cole: Let me get you a ring first okay .

I giggle laying my head back on his lap. As he pushes it aside a kisses my ear and neck.

Lili: Baby

Cole: Yes my baby

Lili: Their going to totally beat boy

He growls and picks me up and throws me on a bean bage and tickles me. I start giggle .

Lili: Stop..stop Cole

Cole: No it a girl we need girls

Lili: and both of our families need baby boys the last boy born in my family I'd 47 years old

Cole; Okay I'll give it to you there needs to be some boys on your families. I would hate to be your dads.

Lili: My dad had three daugther and puppies. Plus my mom. Can you imagine the amount of fight there was.No that's my skirt ... no it mine . Mom...dad tell her that's my skirt or that's my barbie.

Cole: I still don't care we're going to have a baby girl so she can look just like her mommy

Lili: I want a so he can look just like you

He kisses my nose making me wrinkle it. We watch something not on the TV was not pay attention as my eyes became heavy and I fell my body at rest

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