The Game

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Lili Pov

I was so excited I never been to a wrestling match. B and Dylan are coming too . We sat in the very front row. When loud music comes on. Cole comes outs raising his hand in the air stepping into the ring. Then comes his appoint he raises his hands in the air too stepping in the ring get close to Cole. I blow Cole a kiss witch he catches then winks. Round one begins and they are  going at it. I cringe pain as the guy punches Cole in his face pushing him into the rail I cringe as he sits down. I walk over to him sints they where on break.

Cole: Hi baby

He kissed my head with his busted lip that was now swollen .

Lili: Hi

Cole: Are okay

Lili: Yes I just dont like seeing you get hurt

Cole: Hey baby I'm find only my lip

Lili: For now

Jack: This your girl

Cole: Yes this is her

Jack: It most be werid seeing your boyfriend get his as× kicked

Cole glared

He kisses my hand winking then going to his side to start the next round

Lili: Good luck Coley

I kiss his cheek

He just nods rubbing my nose with his then get up to start once more.

Barbara: That was so cute

Lili: I dont fell good for the guy

Dylan : Jack why

Lili: He said how he was beating cole, and then winked and kissed my hand.

Dylan:Uh Cole going to kill him

We turn our self's around back to the fight

Jack swings at Cole but he blocks it. We all cheer Cole starts punching at him . Jack falls on the floor as he's punched in the gut. Cole gets into of him and pushes him down twisting his leg. He whispers something in his ear. Everyone was on their feet as they declare Cole the winner.

Dylan,Barbara, and I rush over. The boys bro hug,while Barb just pats his sweaty back. He tries to pull me in a huge but I pull away he makes a pouty face.

Lili: Your sweaty

He pulls me close anyways .I kiss his pout. He grabs my faces and makes it longer . I pull away smiling as he rub our nose against each other.

Dylan: Come on love birds

I really think that our relationship may really work out.

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