tattoos & piercings

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i had some sort of dream related to this and i woke up sexually frustrated bye


I pushed the handle of the door, my entrance causing bells to ring throughout the store. I walked up to the counter, waiting for someone to serve me.

“Be right there!” A deep voice called, not long before a tall man with messy, black hair came up to me behind the counter.

“Welcome to Cincinnati Tattoo and Piercing Parlour, how can I help?” The man sent a friendly smile, his silver lip ring catching my eye instantly. I looked down at my hands, feeling as though I was not worthy in such a handsome man’s company.

“I was just wondering if I could get a belly ring piercing.” I took the courage to meet eyes with him again, only to find him already staring at me intently.

“Of course, babe. Come with me.” He grinned, gesturing behind him. I walked past the counter and followed him into a room in the back. He told me to lay down in a long leather chair while he got the piercing equipment ready.

“I’m Andy, what’s your name?” He asked, finally sitting on a stool near my abdomen.

“(y/n).” I answered, goose bumps rising to my skin as he slowly lifted up my shirt. Andy seemed to watch as he pushed up the fabric, licking his lips. It looked like he wasn’t going to stop until my whole shirt was off.

Just as he reached the under-wire of my bra, I stopped him. All he did was wink, before disinfecting the area that was going to be pierced.

“Is this your first time at this store?” Andy questioned, glancing at me.

“Yes, first time in any tattoo parlour actually.” I smiled. He marked a small dot to indicate where the needle was going through, his hand leaning against my stomach sending shivers down my spine.

“Thought so, or I would’ve remembered a pretty face like yours.” He smirked, cleaning a tool. I blushed, darting my eyes around the room.

“Alright babe, it’ll just be a pinch.” Andy smiled, as there was a glint in his blue eyes that brought me some sort of comfort.

“Actually, it’ll be better if I get this perspective before I stab anything into you.” He winked, moving his stool in between my legs and sitting on it. It was a very provoking position, if you ask me.

I held my breath, feeling the needle quickly pierce into and up my skin. Andy then thankfully removed the needle, leaving behind a simple ring. He cleaned up small amounts of excess blood and sterilised the tools he used, not leaving his spot between my legs.

“Thank you so mu-” My words were cut off as I felt his lips press against the skin under my belly button. His eyes met mine, winking before he continued his assault.

I noticed Andy’s kisses and hickey’s getting lower, as he began to un-zip my shorts. My heart raced at the thought of getting caught at any moment.

Just as he was about to pull down my shorts, a male voice interrupted us. “Andy! Come here and help me think of tattoo designs.” I assumed that was his co-worker in the next room.

“Damn it…” Andy cursed, standing up and fixing himself up. I zipped up my shorts, standing carefully and walking to the counter. I think I was walking, anyway. After that incident my knees feel weak.

Andy followed, as I brought out the money and handed it to him. He grabbed my hand gently, pulling me to his chest. He leaned down to my ear, the action already leaving me hot and bothered as much as before.

“For you darling, free of charge.” He pulled away and smiled seductively. I shook my head.

“No. I’ll feel bad.” I laughed sheepishly, placing my money near the register.

“Trust me (y/n), it’s fine.”

“Then I have to make it up to you somehow?” I stated, but it sounded more like a question. Andy thought for a moment, before smirking.

“Come by the store on Sunday night.”

“But it’ll be closed by then?”

“Exactly.” He winked at me one last time, before disappearing to the back of the store.  


this is really short im sorry but jfc 

when i get older i would like to have a belly and lip piercing done oo

what piercing/tattoos do you want/have? :-D

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