car smut

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“Okay, you get the movies and I’ll get the snacks.” I told Andy and he nodded, sending me a smile before walking into the movie and magazine aisle. Picking up a basket, I headed to the chocolate, drink, and chip aisles and filled the basket until it was heavy.

Trudging back to the movie aisle, I sighed to see Andy looking at the magazines instead of the films.

“Andy you dork, have you even chosen a movie?” I yelled out to him, seeing as no one else seemed to be in this store at seven pm. I placed the heavy basket beside me after I stood next to him. All he did was smirk, not taking his eyes off the magazine he was reading.

It wasn’t long before I realised what kind of magazine he was viewing.

“Andy! You’re gross, man.” I hit his arm, rolling my eyes. He giggled.

“Can you fit that many babe?” Andy asked, opening the full size poster of a lady with many inappropriate devices in her… you know. I pushed the paper away from me, holding back a laugh.

“Ew! What?! No! I cannot fit that many thank you very much.”

“Is it because you’re tighter?” He winked. Rolling my eyes once again, I grabbed two movies and walked to a self-serve aisle.

I scanned both the movies, as Andy came over with the basket and started scanning the food.

“I hope you get a boner during a concert or something public like that.” I muttered, hoping my mini insult was heard.

“Who says I don’t have one right now?” Andy winked, and my eyes instinctively glanced down to his crotch. Quickly diverting my gaze back to his face, I retaliated.

“Only you would get a boner over some chick shoving a chainsaw up her vagina.”

“At least she can fit something in there. Bet you can’t even handle my di-”

“Excuse me!” Andy and I turned to a middle-aged woman, pressing her hands over her child’s ears. Quickly paying for the items, I hurried out of the store, Andy following.

Waiting for Andy to unlock the car, I put the plastic bags next to me and stretched, groaning tiredly. I heard his footsteps gradually getting closer to me.

“As I was saying,” I bit my tongue as I felt myself being pushed against the car, staring into Andy’s deep blue eyes that the moon caught.

“I bet you couldn’t handle me.” He winked, placing his hands on my hips. Deciding to play along, I traced my finger along his jaw line.

“What if I can handle you?” I said, noticing his hard on pressing into my upper thigh.

“And who says I wouldn’t be begging for more?”

At my words, Andy kissed me roughly, tugging and nipping at my bottom lip. I felt his tongue run against my lip, asking for entrance. When I declined, I felt his hand slip to my butt, squeezing, making me gasp. He took this opportunity to slip in, our tongues battling.

“Get in the backseat.” Andy demanded in my ear as he unlocked the car, and I obeyed. But not forgetting to quickly throw the groceries in the boot. He followed after me, shutting the door before crawling on top of me and kissing my neck.

“Wait, what if someone sees us?” I asked half way through of taking off my shirt.

“It’s dark outside and the windows are tinted, nothing to worry about.” Grinning, helping me pull of my shirt and giving me room to pull off my jeans.

“All you have to worry about is trying to not to shake the car.” Andy winked.

“Stop being a cocky asshole and fuck me already.” I pleaded, wanting him more than expected. He reached over to the front passenger seat, picking out a condom packet and ripping it open.

Taking off his extremely tight skinny jeans, he removed his boxers before placing the condom over his hard length.

“Ready?” He whispered and I nodded, eager to have him inside me. Andy pushed himself into me, and I moaned at the sensation. He then retracted and thrusted hard, hitting my g-spot.

“Fuck, yes…” I breathed, running nails down his back. As he adjusted, he continued thrusting into me at a normal pace. I moved my hips to meet him half-way, and Andy groaned as I did.

“You’re so tight, it feels fucking amazing.” He growled, both our breathing ragged.

Soon, the windows began to fog with heavy steam as Andy and I were getting closer to our highs.

“More…faster…” I begged, tugging at his hair. And he did so, satisfied with my pleas.  

“Fuck, Andy!” I whimpered his name, along with profanities as I reached euphoria. He rested his head in the crook of my neck, biting down on the skin as I felt his cock twitch inside me and spill into the condom.

We lay there, trying to catch our breaths. Andy slid out of me, discarding the condom out of the window before putting on our clothes. We crawled in the front seats, Andy starting the car and driving off back home.

I glanced over at him; his left hand on the wheel while he rested his chin on his right, a smirk placed on his swollen, red lips as he stared out onto the dark roads. I looked down at my hands, then out the window, supressing a smile.

“I can handle you.” I stated, feeling his gaze on me suddenly. I heard him sigh ironically, continuing to drive.

“Just wait when I’m angry…we’ll see if you can walk the day after that.” Andy said, placing his hand on my thigh.

At that moment, I was excited for that day to come. Knowing that he could possibly go harder and that it might take a toll on me the next day…now…

How can I get him angry?   


get it bc she wants the angry d :3 lol i probably will write an angry sex imagine in the future woo

sorry if this sucks bc i have no imgination 

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