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i woke up to someone holding me. "baby baby omg" they then started to cry, i felt their tears soak my face. whats going on? i thought. i tried to move but i couldnt feel anything. i couldnt hear anything either. everything caved down on me all of a sudden, all my senses became hightened. all i could hear were the sirens swallowing me. i struggled but opened my eyes seeing the blue and yellow lights blinding me. was i in an accident? "baby, baby its me. its gonna be okay" the person holding me said. i knew that voice. it was.. i cant remember.

"LETS GET HER ON THIS STREATCHER AND TO THE HOSPITAL" a high pitched voice said. hospital? whats going on? "dont panic baby im here" were the last words i remember hearing.


it all happened so fast. one second we were driving peacefully the next the truck came. it drove right into my baby's car right into her side. i ran out so quickly after that. trying to get her out of the car but she was stuck "help!! please someone help us.. please" i cried out. that's when a white lady called the ambulance for us. they got her out i just held her crying. she tried to open her eyes but couldnt. that's when they put her on the streatcher and into the ambulance driving her to the hospital. i looked at her she was asleep. who would do this because this wasnt no accident, im gonna get my boy dillyn and the crew to check it out. 


"MOVE" the nurse said wheeling my baby into a room. "WE HAVE TO OPERATE" was all i heard before a male nurse told me i couldnt go into the room with her. "mother fucker move your hand bruh thats my girl bro i need to go to her" "i understand bu-" i cut him off "YOU DONT UNDERSTAND MOOVE" he just shook his head and took me to a waiting room. i just held my head and cried. 

it had been hours and still no news. "hey is my girlfriend okay she went in ages ago after a car accident" "name?" the brownskin doctor asked not taking her eyes off of the computer she was sitting at, "Paris London" "yes shes in her room" "WHY WOULDNT YOU LET ME KNOW" "calm down sir. ill take you to her now" she said leading me to my princess.

when i saw her my face dropped. she was pale, her face was emotionless. "is she okay?" "shes fine, just sleeping the medication off" "okay." with that she left. i just sat by her bed holding her hand, ill never leave her. i texted dillyn:

ME: dillyn bro, paris was in an accident bro. some bitch drove into her we are at the hospital. i need you to find out who it was i need to find out!

DILLYN: what bro?! is she good? nah dont worry i got you.

i didnt even text him back cause i didnt know the answer. what am i gonna do man. this my baby i cant lose her, she needs to wake up soon. 


i woke up to paris still sleeping. "girl your acting dismissive, i wear the AP while i hit it, pay attention while i lic-" young adz blasted out my phone. i answered it "hello" i barley croaked out, "LUCAS?! its queen p-paris is she okay? chris told me what happened what hospital you at?" she said in one breath she sounded like she had been crying. "good samaritan hospital.. and i dont know queen. i dont know shes not awake" i said breaking down. "we are on our way" she said cutting the call. 


my baby chris called me telling me that my girly was in an accident. i told the rest of the girls and we drove to the hospital in summer's car cause i dont have a car yet. when we got there we spoke to the receptionist who took us to Paris' room. "omg" amber sighed out as she saw paris laying there. a tear slipped out of my cheek, my girly. she was laying there looking beautiful but obviously troubled. i hope shes okay. lucas looked horrible. sorry..... he does! he had dried tears on his cheeks, he looked at us and we all walked over to him hugging him tightly. he just cried. "my baby" he whispered, "it'll be okay, she'll be fine shes strong."

after being there for 4 hours we had to go "guys theres too many of you here, visitations finished an hour ago please leave" a lady said we all just left we didnt want any trouble. this was about paris not us. 



LOVE - paris x

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