Day 1:The Attic

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 Taking a moment, I sat there with my back pressed against the door thinking of what I needed to do. As of now, the only way I can go is up. The hall, short-lived, led up a pair of shaky stairs, along the wall words were painted such as 'Help me I--Stuck' some I couldn't even understand due to the words faded by time. Standing up, I made my way to the stairs testing one out only for a loud squeaking sound to occur. With a simple sigh I carried on and came to the door; a wooden door with the paint curling into thin strips, the numbers '5154' rested clearly yet faintly on the door. I pulled out my journal and wrote the numbers down with a question mark.

I put my journal up and opened the door; the smell of dust and oldness came in like a breeze. After a moment, my eyes finally adjust to the dark settings of the room. The only window was high and seemed to have been covered by some sort of blinder, even bars were designed over the window. Turning my attention from that sight I focused on what was around me; in the corner, there was a small mattress stained with blood and other unidentifiable liquids, words were either carved into the walls or were drawn on it by blood, and the clutter was worst a new smell came to focus. The smell of death. I pulled the collar of my jacket up to cover my nose as I began my search, I walked over to the mattress and nudge back the covers to find a notebook. I picked it up and began to look through it finding that many of the pages were torn except for about three.

'June 6, XXXX
It has been a few months now since mother and father locked me in here. they told me that it was for my own protection, against what?'

I flipped the page, it looked like some pages in between were missing. Finally, I reached a new page.

'July 24, XXXX

I can't take it anymore. Every night I hear that voice and with each passing day it grows louder, I fear that it may very well become shouting. What was that? Just now I saw something in the corner where I put the pill infested food at. It's too big to be a creature and it would've died by now if it ate any of the food. Oh no, I must go to sleep for now before it notices that I have seen it.'

It looked like there wasn't another entry until six days later.

'July 30, XXXX

It's here, the creature. It's laying in wait letting the time pass by and letting my anxiety grow evermore. you hear that-'

Suddenly, I felt something behind me and a hand touched my shoulder. The voice of a young girl riddle with fear whispered, "Its right behind you." A rough shove propelled me forward onto the floor, I scooted back turning around to see a young girl seemingly the one reported missing. The floor cracked under my weight and I fell. Her face is seemingly closer than ever as if I was right before her it held the look of fear as a black hand thinned with sharpening claws grasped onto her and jerked her backward as I fell into the void.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2020 ⏰

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