Chapter 22

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Hi guys! thank you guys for coming this far in this twisted journey of Loving her <3 I just wanted to remind you to follow me if you don't want to miss any special updates and exciting announcements!!

Ava has been asleep for over an hour but my mind can't shut off no matter what I do. I have no one else to talk to but her. Ava is the only help I can get and now that she's dealing with her own mess I can't force her to take a look at mine no matter how much I need to be the selfish one this time. 

I went into the night with one problem, hoping to find one solution but all I found was another problem that needs even more solutions—solutions that I don't have.

Everything in me is hoping we're both delusional, and all we need is sleep, but yet my gut tells me otherwise and so does my lack of sleep. 

The world can't be that simple, sometimes things do go wrong and they need fixing I just hope I won't be the only one doing all of the problem solving since math has never been my strong suit, the only reason I managed to even get into Harvard was through my determination for the past few years in high school.

I manage to fall asleep for an hour before waking up again, this is a nightmare. When I close my eyes I see a nightmare and when I open my eyes the nightmare is coming true. Something is eating at me and I don't know what but I'll do everything to figure it out. 

Everything will be just fine. I look over at Ava and smile, her hair is even more tangled but at least she's fast asleep.

The sun starts to slowly rise, it's weird I never thought watching the sunrise would be so depressing. The air outside is cold and the roads are covered in snow and ice, waiting for someone to fall onto the hard ground. November has come. 

I don't care if ava is going to sleep all day, I need to get out of here whether she's with me or not.

"Where are you going?" Ava's rusty voice asks, she coughs and asks again, this time making her confused tone clearer but all I can see is a girl with a very big and deserved hangover.

 "Nowhere i . . . " I start but don't finish. She stands up slowly and pulls her shirt down, revealing weird colored marks on her skin.

"What is that?" I aks pulling her shirt slightly up. My confusion turns into a frightening surprise. 

"Bruise? How did y—" I start but stop myself. "I probably fell or something. It happens all the time." She explains and I nod, knowing well that if my own body tries to squeeze through something a little tighter than my pants, I'll be bruised all over my body. I smile at her, knowing just the thing to make her feel better.

The coffee shop is full but I manage to get her a cappuccino. 

"Here, I once heard that this will make you feel better," I say as I hand her the drink and she actually manages to smile through the clear hungover. She thanks me and we start to sip our coffee slowly, watching the people around us.

 Ava and I haven't been close in a while and it feels good to be around her like we used to be before we went to college.

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