Your Mind Matters: Why Change for Something?

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 Work expands, so as to fill the time available for its completion” ~ C. Northcote Parkinson ~

 Is it possible for you to change your lifestyle?

As far as I know no one can change any person.

Only God can change a person. But why I broached you this topic?

Life is a constant change as the saying goes.

Yes, it’s true.

Even at work, most of us loved to job hop, but is it really job hopping or changing career an option for you?

You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to be successful in life. All you have to do is to adapt to changes, and doing this entails decision and right timing.

When things change or the environment you are working changes, you should be able to adapt to it quickly.

Don’t get tied up with the system.

You have to change!

From the words of Robert Kiyosaki, “When you cannot change the system, the only way to succeed is to manipulate the system.”

I recall when I attended a seminar in a prestigious University; one Professor said that the generation today is entirely different than before.


Unlike in the previous generation, talking about my generation and those who are in the departure area  (you know what I am talking about), we are accustomed to getting a regular paying job, but today, people have to catch up with the fast-paced and changing society and the demands of work, including in their family.

Anyone could do job hopping, and today what matters is money. Money is everything. The society today is a money-getting society. But if you are a person who loves to settle for a stable job and balance your time with family, you decide to tell your boss that you simply must have more time off to spend with the family and you’ll need to consider a few things.

Change the way you see things.

Life is not just about money-getting, it’s everything! In life there is no failure, only results as Anthony Robbins said.

If things don’t work out for you, be quick to recognize that there are certain things in life that are not just meant for you.

You need to discover this principle. I call “what went wrong” in the book the Lost Guide to Success.

In this life, people are quick to look for someone to blame when everything is messed up and not working. However, only few people don’t really look at why it isn't working for them.

I know that you are familiar with the Law of Attraction. This is the famous universal principle or theory; whatever you may call it. Some people have applied this in their life and got results. But some who have applied this didn't have significant results.

If this law is universal, it should work for everybody, not just for those who are called lucky..

I don’t know the answer, but for me it matters in the way we see things.

Stephen Covey once said, “The real problem is the way we look at the problem. Maybe it is on the way how we use or adapt the system.

Think what went wrong and change it!

Thus, I would agree to Marx words that “Many philosophers have only interpreted the world, but the point however is to change it!”

 -There are many who talk on from ignorance rather than from knowledge, and who find the former an inexhaustible fund of conversation.   - Hazlitt-

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