Chapter 13 - So Do I

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Baby, it's just me and you
Baby, it's just me and you
Just us two
Even in a crowded room
Baby, it's just me and you


"Cheers!" I clicked my glass of champagne with Austin's glass, offering him a flirtatious smile before taking a sip. Austin was saying something, but I wasn't listening. My eyes were on him, but my attention was focused solely on Evan.

"—and so my grandmother's cat died that day."  I noticed Evan walking towards us from the corner of my eye. My adrenaline pumped with excitement and fear. I slapped Austin's shoulder in a frivolous manner, throwing my head back in laughter.

"God, you're hilarious." I chuckled, my hand tracing his arms coyly. I glanced towards Evan and a chill ran down my spine. Pissing Evan off was becoming my new favorite game and judging by his expression, I was getting better and better at it every day.

"Uh, thanks." Austin laughed hesitantly. "Was it really that funny though? I mean my grandmother was pretty upset and—"

"Oh my God, are you kidding me? You're literally so funny and so sweet. It's been so long since I met someone like you." I said loud enough for Evan to hear. He was lingering by the bar, just metres away from us.

"Really?" Austin grinned at me. "Do you want to get out of here? I mean, once the dinner is over and you're done with your work."

I cringed inwardly. I would've felt guilty about not paying attention to what he was saying before, but I could tell he had the personality of a peanut. As long as I was ready to sleep with him, anything I did or said probably didn't matter to him.


"Here you are! I've been searching for you everywhere, babe." Evan swooped in between us and I couldn't help but smirk in victory. But my smile disappeared as soon as it had appeared on my face and got replaced by shock. Evan pulled me into a hug making a l blush rise on my cheeks.

"You've made your point. Stop this now." he leaned in and whispered lowly so that Austin couldn't hear him.

As flustered as I felt by his move, I was still angry at him for saying he didn't care. His arms felt warm and homely, but I had to keep myself together if I wanted to prove him wrong.

"You don't get to tell me what to do." I said defiantly.

"You'll regret this if you don't stop right now." he threatened lowly.

"We'll see."

I removed his arms from around me and took a step back, grabbing Austin's hand. Evan's eyes zoomed in on our entwined fingers, before moving to my eyes. His jaw tightened in anger and a delicious chill ran down my spine.

"Austin, this is Emily's cousin, Evan. Evan, this is Austin." I introduced, smiling at Evan mockingly.

He just stared at us with stone cold eyes while Austin offered him an awkward smile. The silence became unbearable and to cut through the tension (or add to it) I spoke again.

"Evan was just worried about me as I got really drunk at the last party." I laughed. "Don't worry, this time I have something to keep me occupied."

Austin grinned at me as I moved closer to him. "Let's go Austin. Perhaps some place quiet where there is no one to disturb us."

We turned around and started walking while I thought of an excuse to ditch him after we were out of Evan's sight.

"I must say, you're the prettiest girl here without a doubt." he whispered into my ear. I resisted the urge to push him away.

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