Chapter 14 - I Need You

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'Cause I got issues
But you got 'em too
So give 'em all to me
And I'll give mine to you
Bask in the glory
Of all our problems
'Cause we got the kind of love
It takes to solve 'em

Yeah, I got issues
And one of them is how bad I need you


"I remember the day like it was yesterday. Our five year old Zachary had pooped all over his mother's picnic basket! Now you all know that my sister-" I snatched the mic from Zachary's Uncle Davis, glancing at a worried, yet slightly amused Emily and an embarrassed Zachary. I offered them a reassuring smile before turning to the rest of the guests.

"I'm so sorry, everyone. Uncle Davis has had a lot to drink, please excuse him." No wedding event could ever be complete without a drunk uncle making a scene. Thankfully, I had tackled similar situations before.

"But everyone wants to know what happened next!" he whined as I tried to get him off the stage. He was a short, heavy man with greasy hair which he kept shoving all over my face. He could barely stand properly and I could barely steady him. My lack of enthusiasm didn't help either.

"I got this." Evan grabbed Uncle Davis' arm just as he was about to lose balance. "Let's get him in a cab before he passes out."

"It's alright, Evan." I said, avoiding eye contact. "I'll handle it, you go."

There was still a lot of tension between us and this night had just refused to come to an end. Uncle Davis had one arm around Evan's shoulder and another around mine and as annoyed as I was by his existence, I was thankful for the distance he had put between us.

"He is family, I got to make sure he gets to the hotel safely." Evan shrugged.

I glared at him from above Uncle Davis' head. "What does that mean? I can't make sure he gets back to the hotel safely? Are you saying I'm bad at my work?"

I knew that was not what he meant, but I just felt like arguing with him. Throughout the night he had been doing and saying things that were completely messing with my head and making me go crazy. The most annoying part of it all was that he wasn't fazed by any of it at all while I was left confused and frustrated. I just wanted to get on his nerves too.

"You know that's not what I meant." he sighed.

"Who knows when you mean things and when you don't." I snapped.

"Can y'all stop screaming in my ears?" Uncle Davis complained. "I can't go back and complete my speech if y'all give me a hearing impairment, can I?"

"Better you than the rest of us." I mumbled under my breath.

Evan looked at me wryly and I rolled my eyes. Honestly, the whole thing would've probably looked comical from a distance if Uncle Davis wasn't practically bruising my shoulders and my hands weren't itching to hurt him and Evan both.

I checked my phone. "It's showing two minutes until the cab arrives."

One twenty fucking seconds.

"I'm not going in no cab!" Uncle Davis pushed off from us, almost falling down. "I have a speech to complete y'all! Little Zachary will be disappointed if I leave!"

Evan tried to steady him as I grunted in annoyance.

"You can complete your speech tomorrow. For now, please just go back to the hotel and get some sleep. That's what little Zachary wants." I tried to knock some sense into him.

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