Chapter 4 Ladybug's Love Motivates her to find Adrien

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      Ladybug who is now home and detransformed in her room. She says, "Tikki, you should have seen the look Chat gave Ladybug. He was angry.  He might have been disappointed even."  

      "Tikki, I never should have told Chat that Ladybug loves Adrien," Marinette says.

"Marinette, do not be so hard on yourself!"  Tikki says.

"You did nothing wrong!. Besides, maybe you gave him the shove in the right direction." Tikki says.

"I do not think he was mad at you.  He was probably angry with himself for not helping you find Adrien," Tikki remarks.

"You think so?"  Marinette asks. She turns her frown to a smile.

"I will not give up.  I gave myself a promise that I will find him if it is the last thing I do. I will find him," Marinette tells her.

  "I will do it as Ladybug.   Even if he rejects me after I find him I will show him my true self. I have to because I meant what I told Chat I love Adrien," Marinette says.

   "I will look for him every day and every night. Even if I die trying, I will find him," Marinette says.

"Marinette, I do not think you will die as you search for Adrien's whereabouts," Tikki says.

   "I believe you will find him as Ladybug!  You have so much determination and love for him, how can you fail?"  Tikki responds.

"Thanks for your support, Tikki!"  Marinette says.


    Elsewhere, Adrien is speechless as he thinks about what Plagg just told him.  He knows it makes sense. 

   "Adrien, will you give Ladybug a chance?" Plagg asks.

"I am afraid what is she loves the model me and not the me who hates to model?"  Adrien asks.

"Adrien, I am sure Ladybug is not like this," Plagg replies.

"You are probably right.  I guess I am just nervous.  I worry I will say or do the wrong thing," Adrien remarks. He sighs.

    Adrien's  POV:
    How can someone like Ladybug love me?  My father despises me, so how can she care about me?

    Adrien wonders how Marinette is right now. He thinks, what is wrong with me?  Why do I think about Marinette so much?

"Plagg, tomorrow, I will talk to Ladybug and find out the truth," Adrien says.

"I will ask her what she loves about me about Adrien.  I can only hope you are right and her love for me is true, pure and ..."  Adrien says.

The next day, "Plagg claws out!" Adrien says.  He transforms.

   Chat Noir thinks, Ladybug where are you?

 Marinette wakes up, gets ready for the day and decides she is ready to look for Adrien again.  

"I hope I find him soon," Marinette says.

"I do too," Tikki says.

"Tikki spots on!  yeah!"  Marinette says the words to transform.

   Ladybug swings away and goes back to her daily search for Adrien. She hears footsteps behind her and asks, "Chat Noir is that you?"

"Yes, who else would it be?" Chat asks sadly.

"Chat what is wrong?" Ladybug asks. She thinks please do not let it be bad news about Adrien.

"Ladybug I have to know the truth. Why do you love Adrien?  Is it because he is a model?  Is it because of his looks?" Chat asks.

"No, I mean he is handsome, but that is not why I love him.  I love him because he is kind, thoughtful, generous, goes out of his way for his friends, and..." Ladybug says.

"Wow, that is a-amazing!" Chat says. He thinks, did I just stutter?

"Th-Thanks for telling me Ladybug!" Chat says. He grins a bit too.

"Chat are you jealous of him?   You did not offer to look for him even once," Ladybug responds.

"Ladybug, I could never be jealous of him. He sounds like a great guy who is fortunate to be loved by you," Chat says.

Adrien's Gone Missing AU by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now