Entry 3

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The day went by in a bore for Mr. Happy Man - almost a haze, but not as purple as one might think. All I did was nothing but work for the pigs, work for the pigs in their slop of a building centered around education. If you all would excuse my lack of writing throughout the weekend, as I said I'd write on all days, but I was out somewhere on this green and blue earth, doing things and seeing things confidential to my privacy. I promise to give you mindless fiends something to read throughout the week, so bear with me. Continuing on, not only did I realize for about the one hundred millionth time that I am a frugal person, but I also wrote someone a possibly unsent letter. I intend to send my said letter, but I am a bit hesitant - scared too, I guess. Why am I scared to send someone a mere letter? Well, if you knew Mr. Happy Man and his interests, what he likes and what he attends to in his daily life, then you'd understand why I'd be so hesitant. But to the rest of you Homo sapiens, you will not know. Unless you speak to me in private, that is, if you're wondering so badly to the point of pissing yourself, then I shall proceed to tell you. Anyway, I am going to complete the letter, but I shall think if I desire to send it to the recipient or not. The existential topic is still roaming in the shadows of my brain, I've just yet to pull some irrelevant information out for you all to skim your eyes across. Why must we live? Why must humans think they have all the power in this universe? Why must they be greedy? Why must we be greedy? What purpose is there in life? Seriously, that question has been stomping on my head for ages, never leaving me alone - along with other thoughts that never give me a break. A particular song sticks out to me that I wholeheartedly agree with. Mr. John Lennon's "Imagine". I know, what a song to pick, right? About everybody on this planet knows that song, so why pick it? These particular lyrics right here are why: "Nothing to kill or die for, And no religion, too, Imagine all the people, Living life in peace, You, you may say I'm a dreamer, But I'm not the only one... Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can, No need for greed or hunger, A brotherhood of man, Imagine all the people, Sharing all the world..." Basically all of the song right there, but you get my point. Imagine literally no reason to kill anybody or hurt anyone. Imagine living a life in total, beautiful peace. That's what we all want (some of us), right? Well here's where "you may say I'm a dreamer" comes in. Yeah, people call us crazy and ridiculous for wanting world peace (as it won't ever happen, not in a trillion years), but one day, some day, we people who strive for it hope the people who are skeptical of it, join us in our journey to earn world peace. Enough about hippie Happy Man, you've heard enough. Farewell.

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