Remus's Secret

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Sirius took a deep breath and stood by the gates of Hogwarts. Harry Potter was going to be ok, he reminded himself, Harry was smart and had defeated Voldemort. Sirius was deep in thought and didn't notice Remus come up beside him. "Oh Remus! sorry I didn't see you." Sirius looked at his longest friend besides James. "What brings you out here?"

"I heard your godson is coming and I looked after him for you until you broke out of Prison and all that mess..." Remus said Playfully, "And I wanted to see my old buddy again. I'm so glad I chose to take the job of DADA teacher..." Remus in turn looked at the man beside him, "Both Sirius and I survived Voldemort" he thought.

"Remus.." Sirius took a deep breath, "I know it's not your position to but would you tell Snape I need to talk to him if he asks why tell him I said it was time, and also mention that I am truly sorry for my actions." Remus looked at Sirius and Nodded. "Thank you, Along with I'm so grateful that you created a space in you room for a bed for me, that being with someone else it helps... helps from the memories of the Dementors... a. they... ah sorry... I'm not sure on how to say this... The memory that Peter killed the Potters well that might be what kept me human but... well the reason I looked like a murderer was 1 the first time they took the picture I was devastated but I looked sad too Innocent for their liking so they put me in a room with a dementor and forced me to drink something that made be go wild and then they took the picture... but after the potion wore off all I was left with was the sadness of knowing you would think I killed the Potters and Peter and then Voldemort would kill you with you not knowing I was in fact innocent..." Sirius took a deep breath sounding like he was trying not to cry. "I'm sorry I was not there for you or Harry... would...well it would have been devastating if you died and I was still in Azkaban. I... well I got out to kill Peter before he ruined your life to." Sirius finished Remus turned to Sirius sometimes there was no need for words between the two, Remus swept Sirius into a deep hug. as the hug ended to Sirius's dislike Harry came walking up the road,

"Good evening Remus good evening Sirius." Harry said brightly. Sirius could see in his eyes that Harry was drained.

"Let's get you to bed Harry tell us everything tomorrow, your bed in the Slytherin common room is ready I recon." Remus said steering him towards the castle with Sirius right behind them. After they made sure Harry was off to bed Sirius and Remus made their way back to their room. "Sirius I'm sorry I ever doubted you that at the time, well I..I'm not really sure how to say this..." Remus sounded flustered.

"Go on don't be a we need to stop saying that.. Don't be a muggle now spit it out." Sirius gently said. He looked at his best friend the man he secretly loved since the time of the marauders was being born. "It could not be that he likes me though he's... well straight...I mean he's hot and kind and...I guess has not found the right lady yet." Sirius thought a little sadly.

"Well you see... I like um..." Remus was looking down and looked right at sirius searching for a reaction as he stated "I'm Gay." Sirius looked at Remus and god he was hotter now than ever, but he had just lost tonks and teddy now has only a dad Sirius knew he needed to give Remus time.

"Same." Was all Sirius could say for a second. Being Gryffindor he took his chances saying "Are you Gay, Bi or Gay but straight for Tonks? I mean you don't have to answer that! I...I'm just a curious Gryffindor..." Sirius trailed off.

Remus took a deap breath this man could be so thick headed somethimes "I'm Gay full out Gay, Tonks was a friend with binifets.. I... Well I couldn't...Didn't want people to know I was Gay so I decided if I acted straight maybe I would be. I loved Tonks but not in that way, she understood I was Gay and what I was trying to do. I've only ever told you and her. Teddy was another man's child that Tonks had a one day affair a day before we started 'dating'. That's why we have not to worry about him being a werewolf." Remus looked like he was about to cry.

"So your Teddys step father? and your Gay." Sirius looked at Remus who nodded. "Well at least I'm not the only gay adult here!" Sirius said. both men continued talking about how they found out for a while. Until late at night they retired for bed.


Thank you so much for continuing to read this! Just a few notes, A) all the characters belong to J.K.Rolling and the Harry Potter World. B) I'm a dyslexic and starting writer so sorry for spelling and grammar... C) your valid and loved!

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