Draco's (Somewhat Good) Running Scedule

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Draco gasped for air. Fu-Avocado he was 5 seconds slow on that last 400. Draco still hadn't figured out why he joined the first ever XC Running team Hogwarts has ever had. Maybe to prove to himself that there was something he was good at that's not what his father wants... I mean we can't swear in running it's some muggle team sport thing. so Draco had figured out a way to get around this by using spells or parts of spells like Fuck is Avacodo for Avada Kadavera (long story) Shit is Sempra short for Sectumsempra.

Draco quickly took a shower and changed into his robes after practice. He had arrived at the school a month early for the start of XC Running season (another weird muggle thing) this was a relief to Draco though, coming back for his 8th year would have been impossible without running. Along with the fact that he needed to get away from the mansion and his father's ideals. there are 3 people on the team that Draco knows. That's Ginny, Luna and Blaise, everyone else are 2nd to 5th years. as it stands right now Blaise and Ginny are the fastest and luna and I are in second by a minute... draco shook the thought off tomorrow all the other kids would arrive the day after would be our second meet (the first was against a muggle school) against a local wizard and witch running team. As Draco went about his day which ruffly was scheduled out as

0600 Wake-up

0630 Snack

0730 Morning Practice

0945 Breakfast

1200 Lunch

1600 (4 0'Clock) Evening Practice

1830 (6 0'Clock) Dinner

1900 (7 0'Clock) Read

2000 (8 0'Clock) Lights Out/Bedtime

Draco could be said to be a loner. no one talked to him unless necessary. No one but Sirius Black (he was found innocent when he fought against Voldamort in the great battle) Sirius and Draco both were accused for doing very bad things... however Draco's Accusations where true he was under the Imperius curse put on him by his father and the Crow twins when Luscious went to Azkaban. Draco shutterd "he had been forced to see his father by the dark lord. The dark lord and his stupid hugs..." he huffed as he climbed the stairs from the dungans, the only thing with running is it hurts to walk so many stairs afterwards. as Draco was walking to dinner Luna came skipping up to him

"you have lots of Nargles around you!" she said excitedly "here take this to protect you I have an extra one on me at all times." she said all the sudden seriously taking a red beet looking thing hanging on a necklace out of her pocket handing it to Draco. He took it more surprised than anything,

"Luna? are Nargles bad, actually what are Nargles?" Draco asked weary.

"oh they are little furry blue beasts that like good leadership more you have better leadership potential you have. I've only seen more around harry." she continued muttering "If only he was as smart as you and not refuse the protection."

"Uh Luna? Yah, why do you need protection from them?" then Draco quickly added "I mean I believe you I just... never heard of them in any books..."

"that's because only me and dad see them. You clearly don't read the Quibbler I'll get you a free subscription!" Luna Replied Excitedly before getting serious. "Nargles suck the luck and self confidence out of people they like people with the most leadership potential because they have the most luck and self confidence. this charm is the only thing known to word them off." Luna looked at Draco "Lead the Slytherins down the write path ok? Dumbledore did bad things when he was alive too" she skipped off. Draco quickly put the necklace on feeling his confidence go up then put a charm to conceal the necklace and continued to dinner. this would be the last dinner without non running students. as Draco was eating a snowy owl came and landed on Draco's lap nipping at him urgently Draco looked at the owl He leapt up and took the letter and called the Sirius "This owl has been hit by a spell to frazzle who the letter was for! It's a spell only close members of the Dark Lords circle know it." he finished. Indeed the owl looked really frazzled. Draco tore open the letter as Serious took the owl

"That's Harry's Owl..." Sirius said Nervously and was that a hint of scared protectiveness?

"Your right. Harry sent a message... it's for you.

Sirius skimmed over it, Did you read this Draco?

"No Coach, I respect people's private conversations." Sirius looked and Draco

"that's a good rule to have." I'll tell you what it says,


Lucious has attacked the Dursleys, I was thankfully home and have brought them to the potter mansion I have Inherited and the house elves are on guard and will teleport them to Hogwarts if needed. I will be coming tonight as where I am is not safe.

Harry" Draco looked horrified, Serious looked at him. "your not your father Draco both you and I know that family does not define us." he gave Draco a hug. This was the first hug that Draco had liked it was a real hug. everyone watched as Serious and Draco walked out of the main halls, when the big doors closed behind them whispers broke out. I hear the Malfoys are still looking for a way to get the dark lord back! well I heard that the reason Draco joined the team was to get away from his father. Did you see his face? He hates his father and was horrified by his actions.. maybe we should give him a chance...

Serious wrote a quick letter to Harry saying absolutely that he would be waiting at the gates to let Harry in. Serious looked at Draco, would you get another bed ready for Harry in your dorm? Draco looked and Serious Confused "Ohhhh you don't know... don't tell anyone but upon personal request and acceptance by the Sorting hat Harry is in Slytherin and Hermine in Ravenclaw." oh Draco nodded. He rushed down to his Dorms and made a bed for Harry by his... He might have been dreaming... since first year draco had had a crush on Harry and It's only grown into an obsession... He was rude to Harry up until 7th year for his father's Praise. In 7th year he saw how horrible his father really was and since then it has been agony for Draco to hurt Harry... but he had a Ego to uphold... after Draco had Harry's bed perfect (it took longer than usual as he had to tell the house elf's he wanted to do this at least 5 times) Draco decided to go to bed as it was already 2000 and Draco had a schedule to keep no matter if Harry was there or not.


Thanks for reading the first chapter in this fanfiction. This is the first time I'm putting something out so I hope you all liked it! next chapter will be focused on Sirius.

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