An Open Door

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// Here's chapter 4! Sorry it takes a while to update,  I want it to be good and need it to be in the right mind set to write//


Her blue eyes, her beautiful blue eyes. She looks so.. so afraid. 

You tilt your head, trying to understand why she's upset. A single tear rolls from her eyes down to her cheekbones and freezes before it hits your fur.  She's crouching by you, running her hands through your white fur, cool and calming. There's something wrong though. 

Why is she sad? Why...Why are her hands...god why are they covered in blood. 

She's okay. 

I made sure she's okay. 

I take in one last deep breath of her unique smell. 



mmhhh. I'm so comfortable, and everything here is so soft. My bed's never felt this comfortable before. 

Keeping your eyes closed you reach to stretch your limbs, immediately wincing in pain. You inhale sharply, curling inward and wrapping your arms around yourself. You sit up, blinking through the pain trying to breath. 

"Fuck. God damn this hurts. What happened?" You whisper to yourself, clenching your eyes closed as another wave of pain came from your chest. 

When the pain finally subsided a few moments later you pushed yourself back to lean against the backboard. You pause a moment, breathing heavily and taking in your surroundings. 

You were in a cobblestone room, there were two triangular windows letting in the moon light from either side of the bed. Opposite to you was a hefty looking door and to the right of that, an ornate wooden dresser. On the right side of the bed was another door, presumably leading to a washroom, and opposite the wash room was a fire with low flames flickering. In front of the fire was a small couch with a blanket  resting over the back, slightly illuminated by the faint glow from the fireplace. 

Okay, so, I'm in a bed that's not mine and in a room I don't recognize. Great. Not to mention I'm badly wounded--How bad is it? How the HELL did this happen? 

Gathering your courage you lift the blankets to look at your bandages. You still had your chest wrapping and shorts on, but from your left shoulder to the middle of your stomach you were covered in bandages. A light tinge of red seeping through the bandages noted were the wound was. 

I, I don't understand. Was I in a milling accident? No. That can't be I remember going to sleep yesterday. 


How many days has it been since yesterday? 

All I can remember is falling asleep and having another one of those dreams. 

Another one of those dreams... 

A dream where I was attacked,  where I was fighting to protect Her. 

Panic was starting to surge through you in waves. Flashes of the dream and the fight played across your mind. Your breathing was slowly becoming  erratic. 

It. Was. A. Dream. How could that have anything to do with this? Where am I? What is happening. 

Clutching the sheets, you try to pull your mind together, reaching for something just out of your realm of consciousness -- reaching for an explanation for all this. 

The White Wolf and the Snow Queen (Elsa X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now