Season 1 - Episode 2

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As always, I do not own this! This story is owned by Gimlet, I just want to help people listen to the story and read. So yeah have fun!

*Rupert grunts and moans*

Rupert: Stupid horse running away! Stupid voice luring me into the forest! Stupid forest with its stupid trees and stupid vines and OW! Stupid thorns! *groans* This forest is just trees and trees and more trees! *clothes tear* OUCH! Okay that's it! *sighs* Okay, so, if that oak tree with its branches shaped like a skull is the same skull tree on this map. *gasps* What was that? Hello! Is someone out there? If so I warn you *pulls out sword* I'm armed! Okay *sighs* okay, calm down it was probably just my imagination. Just because everyone back home thinks this forest is filled with monsters, that doesn't mean there is actually anything in here worst than- AH!

*wasp buzzes*

Rupert: What the heck was that! *wasp buzzes* Oh wow! That is one enormous wasp. Seriously how does it- AH! *wasp buzzes* Okay look, I don't believe in violence, but the last twenty four hours have been a particularly exhausting combination of seventeen incredibly frustrating years! So if you want to fight, let's fight! I'm done being mister nice prince! *wasp buzzes more* *Rupert groans* *Rupert kills wasp* Oh my gosh, did I just defeat my first monster? I did, I defeated my first monster! I am amazing! *laughs* I mean yeah it was more bug than monster, but still! This forest better watch out because I am turning out to be quite the natural hero!

*angry wasps buzz*

Rupert: Oh no. RUAHHHHHHHHHHHHHNNNNn- *screams* Come on guys I'm sorry I killed your friend, but in my defense he totally started it! I really am the biggest nature lover! You can ask anyone back in the west! They will tell--- AAHHHHHHHHH *falls* Argh, that hurt. What's that? *sniffs* What's that smell? *sniffs again* Ugh, that's disgusting it smells like rotten cabbage! Ugh, or Fitzroy's chamber pot. Must be these mushrooms I landed on. Wow they are fowl, and sticky. I am seriously going to need a bath by the end of today. *sniffs* Although, now that I'm getting use to it, I have to say, the odour is not bad. *sniffs more* I mean am I crazy? I swear it smells less like a sewer now, and more like *sniffs* like a garden of roses and *sniffs* pomegranates and fresh baked pie. *sniffs* Ugh, I don't..... I don't know what I was complaining about before, this place is amazing! I wonder if I could build a house down here. Maybe I'll ask those wasps. *laughs* Wait where are those wasps?

Female voice: Oh darling~

Rupert: What?! Who put.. who said that?

Female voice: I did, is that you my darling~

Rupert: Oh... maybe, I mean yeah I could be someone's darling

Female voice: Where are you darling~

Rupert: I'm at the bottom of a pit. Where are you?

Female voice: I'm here too, further down. Come find me darling. I've been waiting for you for so long~

Rupert: Oh...well I'm sorry can I find you-

Female voice: Follow my voice darling, my soul will show you the way. Then we'll be together forever~

Rupert: Ehm, together. That sounds nice.

Female voice: *sings* This is the song that I sing to my love aren't I lucky you feel from above? When we're together, my cute little pup, I'll hold you a squeeze you, and gobble you up!

Rupert: Gobble me up?

Female voice: Metaphorically speaking.

Rupert: Oh well, that's okay then!

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