Chapter 29

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"So they're just going to keep pushing it up?" Josh asked and Maya nod.

Maya sighed as she knows neither of them can actually afford a better place but knows she'll have to do that.

"We're gonna have to get another place if we can't keep up, Josh. I'll ask around," Maya said.
"With what money? Maya I'm already working so much that we barely see each other. If I work more..."
"I know," Maya said and her phone rang.

"Maya Hart? Correct. Yes that's right. Tomorrow? Yeah sure. Okay I'll see you then. Goodbye," Maya said and put the phone down.

Josh gave her one look and knew something was happening which was going to cause a lot of trouble or it will be something genourmes.

" What is it, Maya? "Josh asked.
" A company who wants to sponser me. Josh this is huge money. If I take it we'll definitely struggle less, "Maya said.
"That's great news. Congrats Maya," Josh said as he took her into his arms.
"I'm so proud of you," Josh said.
"This could mean big things for us. I'm glad you're here to share this with," Maya said.
"I will always be. I love you," Josh said.
"I love you too," Maya said giving him a kiss.


Later the evening and the two young teens were just watching television.
They were both very excited to finally be in this part of their lives but Maya was actually also a bit scared.
Her channel doing so good means that she has to make a decision between school and her job.
Josh gives her a soft kiss on her head before she closes her eyes.

"Have you told your parents yet?" Josh asked.
"No. They're still away so I'll tell them when they're back," Maya said
"Yeah," Josh said and Maya's phone rang.

"Hey, Dad," Maya said.
"How are you, Maya?" Shawn asked.
"I'm good. And you guys?" Maya asked.
"We're okay. What about that boyfriend of yours?"
"As well. We're both doing good," Maya said.
"Maya, me and your mother are moving," Shawn said and Maya froze.
"What? Why so suddenly?" Maya asked.
"Because of the break-in. For the same reason you moved in with Josh. I have to go. Take care."

"And now, Gorgeous?" Josh asked.
"My parents are permanently moving to Ohio. Mom is freaked out about the break-in and suddenly everything seems right. What am I gonna do, Josh?" Maya asked.
"You're gonna relax. We'll figure it out," Josh said.
"Okay," Maya said as Josh took her in his arms.

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