Chapter 13

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I caught up with Dillion and his dad. "Took you long enough," her father muttered, "Dillion already putted out of turn." I quickly glance at Cat and her mom and see her mom holding up 4 fingers. They both glare at me when I make the hole in 3, but I know I can make up losses better when there is some sort of obstacle or water hazard.

When I sunk one of my balls by putting it off the island into the water, her dad nearly exploded with glee. "One-stroke penalty there, Bragin!"

Dillion shoulders me. "You seriously are going to let him win just because my sister asks you too? You know you could totally take him."

"I know, and that's enough. I have nothing to prove, Dillion, and the last thing I want to do is stress your sister out, especially not over some game of miniature golf. She's been through enough."

"I get that, just once, though I'd like to see him take a dive. Have him realize he isn't the be-all and end-all of all things golf."

"You sure that's what this is about?"

"Hey! No psychoanalyzing on the golf course!" Dillion admonished.

"That's right, we are here to have fun. So let's have fun."

"I'll have fun when it's over," Dillion grumbled. "Unless you've changed your mind."


"Yeah, I thought as much." We moved on to the next hole. Each time I discreetly checked in with Cat or her Mom to see what number they were holding up to keep a handle on the score.

However, disaster lay right up ahead, in the shape of a fabricated cave, that we would need to play through to get to Blackbeard's treasure. Which meant we would play the four of the last 5 holes indoors and I wouldn't be able to get a heads up on what the holes were worth.

The cave turned out to be pretty awesome on the inside. The obstacles stood out only by the reflective paint that caught the glow of the black lights. This place was pretty tricky, so to pretend to screw up in here wouldn't be so hard.

Mr. Fischer mumbled and cursed, blaming the black lights and his older eyes for missing certain putts. I tried to keep a mental count of his swings to be certain I would be over his.

There was a trick shot in the middle. It should be easy for me to screw this up without it being too obvious. It had a Bunker Fairway, so I purposely tried to aim for it, knowing it would seal my defeat.

"These crazy black lights screwing with your eyes, Bragin? You got yourself caught in a sand trap."

I pretend to look annoyed and tromp over to the bunker. "I'll get it out... eventually," I mumble.

Dillion rolls his eyes at my dramatic performance. I get to the sandpit and with an explosion send the ball sailing out of the bunker, and then I heard...

"I don't believe it! I just can't believe it!"

I get this sick feeling in my stomach. "No freaking way!" Dillion chimes in, and now I'm really nervous.

"What? What is it?" I ask, trying to find them by their voices in the cave's darkness.

Mr. Fischer stood looking down dumbfounded at the hole. Dillion is grinning ear to ear. "You somehow got it in. To make a shot like that, the odds must be like one in a million. Holy crap, Alex!"

I look to Mr. Fisher, who looks seriously pissed. "Dumb luck is all that was," and he storms off out of the cave and towards the last hole. Again I noticed, not caring to see what Dillion putted. Dillion was obviously not competition for him so, Mr. Fischer didn't care. I, however, am a completely different story.

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