Chapter three.

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Descent of Christ To Limbo (detail) 1365 by Andera Bonaiuti da Da Firenze

"Never can true reconcilement grow where wounds of deadly hate have pierced so deep."- John Milton

The next day I woke up feeling pretty good. My head didn't hurt as much as it did yesterday and I actually slept through the whole night without waking up once. It was only 8 am on a sunday morning and the other girls were still sleeping so I decided to leave the room quietly and go out into the garden for once. When I was out here, I had my special little corner and everyone knew that so they knew exactly where to look for me if I wasn't up in the attic. I laid down in the green grass minding my own business under the little stone wall, which I always thought could've been very cute if someone took the time to make something out of it. I started to quietly hum the songs that where coming to my mind, wishing I'd brought my guitar down here with me. A little noise made me open my eyes. I didn't know where it was coming from so I propped myself up on my elbows to see better. As I looked up I saw a shaddow coming from the wall above me which made me tilt my head up to the sky to see who or what was interrupting me. And there he sat. Six feet above my head. The only person I wished not to see.

I groaned dramatically and let my head fall down into the grass again. I considered just ignoring him or getting up and leaving but I didn't want to. I was here first so it was just right to stay. Knowing he was here and probably watching my every move made the silence a lot more uncomfortable now. I didn't care to hum or sing when I didn't know he was listening to me but now I figured it would be weird. After a silent minute of me debating wether to leave or just push him down the wall I said annoyed "What are you doing here?" As if I wasn't irritated enough he calmly replied "What, I thought everybody that lives in this shithole can be out here."

His sentence made me chuckle. "Why are you laughing?" he asked confused. "Oh it's just that I call our lovely home 'shithole' too. Anyways. The garden is huge so why would you pick the only spot where you possibly could disturb someone?" A small smirk showed up on his face which I didn't like. Don't get me wrong, he probably was the prettiest man I had ever seen but  his smirk couldn't mean anything good. "Well maybe I have some questions? You said I could ask you. So here I am." I definitely didn't like his smirk.

"Spill it then." I was eager to get out of this conversation and just leave.

"First of all, are there any places in this area I could spend my freetime at? Like is there anything to do around here? This place is just god damn pitiful and I don't want to be here longer than I have to." How the hell was I supposed to know. I didn't have any friends outside of this home so nobody ever invited me to the places cool kids like him would go.

"I don't fucking know nor do I care." A little bit harsh? Maybe that would make him go away.

"Well what do you do in your freetime?" Guess not.

"This isn't about me neither do you actually care. You can't be that dumb I suppose so just go out and search the area fo some cool kids like you or google it or some shit. You dond't need me for that. You're old enough to figure things out yourself." Please go away, please leave me alone, please shut up.

"Oh so you're a feisty one. Does Nathalie know of your bitchy behavior?" He chuckled. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" What did he want from me? "She talked about you like you were an angel. Only the good stuff." I could tell he was hiding something. "What did she tell you?" I lowered my voice into a somewhat threatening tone while sitting up straight so I could look at him. God even the way he sat there was sexy. His one leg was casually swinging off the wall while his other one was prepped up, giving his arm support. He was wearing black jeans and a black jumper which was a tad bit big on him but I was sure he would look good wearing a potato sack so who even cares.

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