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PEOPLE WERE all enjoying their Saturday. I decided to why not and try to have some fun with a random dude that asked me out. Not the best idea considering I wasn't having such a great time with him. Don't get me wrong he's handsome, has nice arms and body. Which means he probably works out more then he works. He's hubby's are probably talking about protein shakes and what not.
I even decided to wear my new fancy dress, but now it's all wasted on this date. I can't believe I wasted a dress like this on this hulk looking guy. Sure I could wear it for another time but that wouldn't be me. "Here's your coffee my lady" he said as he put down the cup of coffee in front of me. "Thank you" I faked a smile as I grab the coffee and took a sip out of it. It's too sweet, I guess man don't really listen huh.
"I'm really enjoying this" he says as he leans back on his chair "we should do this again" he says as he reaches to hold my hand, before he could my phone ringed. "Gotta take this" i said as I grab my phone. 'Round table in 40' from hotch. I read the message. Thank god, I now have an excuse on why to leave early. "Sorry duty calls" I say as I grab my bag and sunglasses off the table.
As I get up he follows along. "Are you sure" he says as he holds on to my elbow. "Yeah" I simply said as I looked at his hand, eyeing him to release it. "Well we should do this again then" he says as he lets go. "Of course" I give him a fake smile. Sometimes it doesn't hurt to be nice. As soon as I turned around I stopped smiling as I popped on my sunglasses on. I took out my phone and blocked his number.
"That was such a waste of my Saturday"
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My heels began to click as I got off the elevator and into the office. As I began to set my things down as gracia comes up to me. "Woah was someone on a date" she says as she rises her brows wanting to hear about what I could of been up to before this. "Yes" simply say as I see Reid looking up at us already from his desk. For a moment I could see a sad glaze on his eyes but that soon stopped as I kept going "it was also such a waste of my time" I say as I take my sunglasses off.
"What, how come" Garcia says as she drops her arms next to her body. "He was absolutely boring and made me waste this dress for nothing" I said as I bagan to Pat down my dress to get rid of the the small wrinkles. Morgan laughed as he watched us talk about my boring date. "Oh honey" gracia says before she was able to get anymore out Hotch called us in.
Everyone left soon it was just me going in last. Along side Reid. "Was he really that bad and boring" he says as he stops and looks at me. "Yeah 10/10 would never see him again" I said with a blank face. He gave me a simple nod as we went in. We soon joined everyone at the round table.
"Alright you guys, thank you for coming in early. We were called in not to long ago, there was a kid who was taken" Hotch says as he held on to the profile. "So we all know were running on time now"
"Her name is joy and she's 8 years old her parents reported her missing 2 hours ago and she was taken from mason street, North Carolina, she was last seen outside her house playing, The neighbor said to have seen a white van roaming around but he isn't sure if she was taken by it" gracia says as she also explains and show the picture of joy. She had short brown hair and light brown eyes.
She oddly enough reminded me of my old self, the innocence of her eyes. "We all know how these are so let's not waste any more time" Hotch says as he gets out to go to the plane, we all then start following. Usually when there's a case like this that involves a kid we have less then 24hrs to tried and find them. So we all rushed to the plane.
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PLANE "Joys mother says she left her outside for a couple of minutes as she went to turn off her laundry and came back to an empty yard" rossi said
"So She left her alone for no more then 3 mins, and the unsub is able to get joy without anyone seeing him" Blake says as she flips through the file, Rossi looks up to her as she spoke. "Joy must of known him, what kid just goes with someone without a struggle or scream" jj says as she seats next to blake.
"Or maybe he caught her off guard, before she had time to react she was already taken" I say as I take a seat next to Reid in the long seat. "There's no way someone could of done that on their own, think about it, in less then 3 minutes to grab a body without anyone looking , putting the body in the car and then getting in the driver seat" Morgan says as he puts down his mug on the table. "So we're dealing a team?" I say as I cross my leg over the other
"Possibly there's no way someone could have done that within the amount of time they had and in a public area. It's very risky" Reid says as he looks my way and turns back around to the team.
"But it could of been someone they known, she would of gone willing?" Blake says looking over at hotch. "I don't think so, her parents said that she's very careful on who she talks to, she's a smart kid. I don't think it was willing" Hotch says as he put the file down.
Before anyone could say anything else Garcia got on "guys I'm sorry to say this but there's been another girl that's been taken, but this time she was taken from a park within only 5miles from the first location" she said as she sent the girls profile. "Her name is Emma she's 10 and she's been reported by her mom in 30 minutes ago"
"This has to be a team and they're moving too quick, but why" jj says as she looks at the team with eyes of conserned. "I don't know but we gotta move quickly, if they've only waited 3 hours to take another girl then we better believe they're gonna take another one." Hotchs end the discussion
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