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I HAD called hotch and ask for a favor. The search for her bones began without me. I walked through the lake on where my father and I would have picnics to try and get away from mom for a few hours. We'd fish and talk about our life's. We were close. But that soon ended now spilled with that monster and an innocent girl laying deep in the grown.
I'd remember when I promised her to get her out, I failed to do that. The least I can do now is try to give her family the peace they need. Hotch soon caught me, I could see the whole team here already. "We've found her" he said as he lead me to her.
Under the tree me and my father once laughed under. That memory was now replaced with her body laying in front of me. You couldn't even tell it was her anymore expect for the worn out clothes I remember clearly. I could feel something stab my heart as I watch her body there. These whole years she's been waiting here to be found. And i just now found her. "I'm sorry I'm late" I whisper to her.
I'm sorry I did this to you. You could of already had children, a spouse and a job, but we ruined that for you. I'm sorry I made you wait so long. I'm sorry for taking everything from you and leaving you here alone.
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Blake called Hannah's family, Garcia found out that they've been looking for her ever since she first disappeared. Even after the trial of my father they kept looking for her. They never once gave up on her. They never let her memory go. They were all in the office waiting for the news of her.
Jj came up to me "you don't have to" She said while she put her hand on my shoulder. My heart never beat so fast as it is right now. "I have to" I said not even looking at her but looking at the door that would soon lead me to them. I've never felt like this before, my hands began to shake as I twisted the door open. I let myself in and shut the door before I did I could see all of my teams members eyes. My eyes focused on Reid's. He was standing there with a worried look in his eyes before I fully shut the door he gave me a small smile.
I turned my body to face them. They were a couple, holding onto each other. I breathed in as I looked at them. They had gray hairs, the wrinkles in their faces probably from sleepless nights. "We found Hannah's body this afternoon" I said as my throat began to close. I could see the tears began to fall from their eyes. "I'm so sorry" I said gripping the profile in my hands.
I couldn't continue, I couldn't stand the thought of me being here. I'm as much of a monster as my father. I walked out and handed the profile to jj "continue" I said as I walked out of the office. No one said anything. If they did I was already gone before they had the chance to.
I walked down the hallway with my hands shaking while trying to find an empty room. I looked down as I began to put speed into my walk. My heart was hurting like it has never hurt before. Her family will never see those beautiful blue eyes she had. Before I could continue I was snatched into a empty office.
Reid closed the door and faced me "hey" he said as he lifted my face. Before I could notice he was wiping the tears off my cheeks. "It's my fault, they no longer have their daughter" I said. I gripped his shirt "it's my fault she isn't here" I said as more tears dropped. "It's not, you had to do what you had to. You were young and afraid. It's not your fault" he said as he pulled me in to hug me.
"I'm a monster, I shouldn't even be the one crying. I did that to her. I did that to them, I'm the reason they're suffering Reid"I said as I pulled away. I've always been the reason because of their suffering. "No you're not, it's not your fault. You are not a monster. He's gone okay, you're not the monster" he said as he once again pulled me back in. This time I hugged back and continued to cry on his shoulder.
I'll always be the monster no matter what anyone says. I'm the reason they suffer. I'm the reason why she suffered. I could still see their faces, I could still see her.
I let the warmth of Reid stay with me for awhile as I continued to cry to him. I've never once felt this way. My heart has never once hurt this much. I don't want to be a monster but that's just who I am.
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"Here" Reid said as he handed me a mug filled with warm coffee. We were at his apartment, once I told him I didn't want to be alone he took me here. "Thank you" I said as I sat up from his couch. I was sitting criss cross. I took a sip of the warm coffee, he always get it right.
"How are you feeling" he said as he popped himself next to me. I watched him take a sip of his coffee. "I could do better" I said as I put the mug on the coffee table. He looked at to me with a sad smile. He knows it's not easy, so he doesn't ask anymore. "Should we watch a movie?" I said wanting to change the subject. He nodded as he got up and popped a movie on. I didn't really care what we'd watch I'd just say dream once it be on.
I was getting tired so I leaned on to him. I felt him tense but I didn't move I just wanted to stay there in his warmth. I'd wanted to forget about everything and just never wake up. That's all I ever wanted.
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Sorry for late update and shitty chapter. I would also like to say I only write this for fun, I'm not the best writer so yes they'll been a lot of mistakes so yer(also bc im too lazy to reread by aGaiN This Is For FUn I donT Get PaiD To pErFect My GramMer) . Anywho thanks for reading my story! Wow never thought I'd have readers.