Day before winter break

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I always hate the day before winter break, because Devin thinks he has to do extra torture to me cause he won't be able to for 3 weeks. So right now I'm sitting in lunch with my friends talking about our winter break plans. I'm going to a cabin in Vermont like we do every year with Rose of course. Daisy is going to the a beach house and Ace is traveling to France.

 as we were talking and eating Devins group of friends walked over to out table. Devin literally sat his fat ass directly on me. his friends held Ace and Daisy. Devin the got up and gave me a fucking huge atomic wedgie and hooked it onto my chin. he laughed and his friends did to.

"you must love having ur 'panties' up ur  ass since u like taking it up the ass". one of Devins friends Max say making them snicker. "you would know what it feels like to take it up that ass since ive once pounded it in 8th grade." Ace said as a comeback.

 I laughed but that was soon stopped by Devin yanking my underwear further up. Devins friend Max blushed, "n-no I don't!" "yes u do. I made you scream daddy~ beg for more~ you even came 3 times~" Ace states.

 Max blushes harder. Ace then took this opportunity and got out of Maxes grip and hold him back. "that was sad." Devin yanks yanks my panties higher making me dangle. he started to bounce me making me whimper and squirm. "w-why don't u pick on someone your own size you pussy!" everyone turned heads to us and devin was red in anger. 

"y-you afraid ur gonna loose if u don't pick on anyone that's younger or weaker then you! you prick!" he growls and punches me in the side making me yelp. he then carrys me by my underwear to the bathroom. 

when we get there he shuts and locks the door to the bathroom. he drops me and I whimper in fear. I get on my knees and start begging for him to not hurt me and that im sorry. he laughs at my patheticness and grabs my underwear.

 I whimper and keep begging him. he gives me so many swirlies I lost count. he also punched and slapped me some, he noogied me and he gave me a pink belly. he then tells me to dry my shirt and hair off under the hand dryer. 

so I take off my shirt and he sees all the hickeys and laughs at me. I was confused at first till I realized. he saw all the hickeys Liam gave me. I blush hard and try to cover myself but he takes my shirt.

"wow you actually lost ur virginity xD" He says making me blush more. I dry my hair and shirt off real quick and put my shirt back on. I pout. "y-yea I did, its been gone since 8th grade." I state. "oh? who took it then?" he snickers.

 I blush and mumble "A-Ace did" he laughs. "so u guys took each others virginity's!?" he says while still laughing. "y-yea we did" I say while scratching the back of my head. he just keeps laughing his ass off. 

I go to leave when he grabs me and says, "I never said we were done now did I?" I whine and say, "please, come on its the last day before winter break."

 he snickers and says, "no thanks. anyways, i'll let u pick. now, do u want jock treatment or slave treatment?" he asks me. "u-uhm..I-I'll take slave treatment." I reply. "perfect!" he says excitedly.

he grabs me by the back of  my neck and says, "lets go slave." I sigh and nod. and with that we leave the bathroom and go to his locker. he always has a leash and collar for me in there for occasions like this. 

he took me shopping for it one day so I got to choose what I want. its a pretty blue collar with his name engraved in it so people know not to mess with since im 'his'. the leash is the same pretty baby blue color. 

he then puts it on me and clips the leash on. he holds the end of the leash and walks to the gym since we have gym together. "damn u walk so fucking fast you damn giant." I quickly sputter out apologies hopping that my punishment doesn't change to the jock treatment.

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