Here we are again

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As I walked through the halls of Hogwarts my heart thumped against my ribcage as if it was trying to escape from my body. I turned the last corner of the corridor and bumped straight into the guy who would change my life forever. Salrion Gryffindor.

"Whoops! S-sorry!" I stammered, backing away nervously.

He chuckled and took a step towards me, smirking and ran a hand through his chocolate brown hair.

"Rose," he breathed, now so close his breath hit my face stunning me. "Careful you don't want to walk into Malfoy."

I blushed brightly and moved out of his way, covering my face with my hair. He chuckled again and brushed a strand of hair away from my face and looked into my eyes.

"You have beautiful eyes, Rose. Don't hide them." he whispered softly.

He moved forwards but then stopped as his name was yelled.

"Sal!" yelled James. ""C'mon, we gotta practice for Quidditch."

Salrion sighed and stepped around me, giving me a wink as he passed.


I ran into the girls dormitory and slammed the door behind me. My eyes scanned the room cautiously, looking for any Weasley's Wheezes Dominique or Victorie might have left lying around. Then I realized I was holding my breath and exhaled, collapsing onto my bed as I did. Then I heard a low, throaty chuckle.

"Still on your guard, Weasley?" The voice that belonged to Scorpius Malfoy drifted towards my ears.

"Scorp?" I hissed. "You're not meant to be in here!"

I didn't get much more of a chance to protest as my lips were suddenly busy and his weight was pressing me down onto my bed. I relaxed into the kiss and giggled as he pulled me up into his arms. His lips moved from mine and moved across my cheek and then down to the base of my throat. He glanced up at me his eyes asking permission to gently push me back down. I smirked as his arms tightened around my ribs as he did so.

"Rose," he said, his finger tracing my lips. "We don't have to if you're not sure..."

"I'm sure," I rolled my eyes at him. "and I trust you."

I tugged at his shirt and heard his heartbeat and breathing quicken. He helped me pull his shirt over his head. My lips found his in the frenzy of pulling off eachothers clothes. Then he started taking it slow, as did everything that night.


Two weeks later, I stood in my room gripping the pregnancy test when a knock came from my door. In my haste to answer the door I dropped the test and kicked it under my bed.

"Come in," I said, my voice cracking slightly.

The door creaked as it opened and Clove's head appeared around the door.

"Rose?" she asked, taking in the loss of colour in my cheeks and the ghost of fear in my eyes. "Oh gosh... are you...?" her voice trailed off awkwardly.

"Pregnant." I finished for her with hysteria in my voice.

The room started spinning as I felt my whole world crumble around me. Witchcraft, well I'd be kicked out of Hogwarts for sure. My parents, would definately disown me if they found out who the father is. And Scorpius... what would he say? Would he step up?... Or would he go back to hating my guts?

A sob escaped my lips, and Clove held me to keep me up straight. Before I could think tears were flowing from my eyes with no sign of stopping.

"How could I be so stupid?" I asked no-one in particular. Clove rocked me doing her best to try and soothe me.

"Shh-shh! You're not stupid, Rosie You're the smartest person I know."

"Then you need a God damn reality check, Clove." I retorted, I was being unfair and taking my anger out on her. I felt guilty.

"What are you going to tell, Scorpius?" She questioned, ignoring my little outburst.

"Nothing!" I nearly shouted. "He gets told nothing. He can't know yet... he just can't." Clove nodded sympathetically then sat in my bed and started messing with her wand. I sighed willing this just to be a huge mistake. That, just this once, the test was wrong. Maybe even bewitched.Possibly one of Weasleys Wheezes- no they weren't that bad. Or just maybe, a tiny voce echoed in the back of my head, it's real.


"Rose?" Scorpius took my hand snapping me out of my thoughts. "What's going on?"

"Nothing." I replied a bit too quickly.

"Rose, I know you. You are usually so talkative. Tonight, ah... not so much." He mused as he pulled me into his arms, his bright blue eyes searching mine for some sort of lie. He found it. "There's something you're not telling me." He sighed.

The sadness in his voice nearly made me tell him everything. Nearly. I couldn't. He would never look at me the same way. I was a Weasley. He was a Malfoy. It should never of happened. But it did.

"Rose," His voice sounded like he was in physical pain. "Please tell me... I love you. Nothing will change that. Nothing." He moved a strand hair out of my eyes.

"Nothing?" I gulped.

He smiled my favourite smile of his, loving yet shy. The side of Scorpius Malfoy that only I know about. "Nothing." He promised.

"Okay..." I took a deep breath. "You might want to sit down, Scorp."

He sat on the wall and pulled me onto his lap, his arms weaved around my waist protectively. "Spill."

"I... firstly I love you too," I watched him smile as I said that.

"And?" He prompted.

"I... uhh..." I hung my head and tears ran down my cheeks. "I'm pregnant, Scorp..." I whispered.

I felt Scorp freeze. I pulled back so I could look into his eyes. There was no emotion there. "I can't be a father, Rose." He finally said.

"I didn't ask for this, Scorp! I don't want this! You can go back to being the stuck up Malfoy you were before we started dating then, I am so sick of picking up the pieces you leave behind!" I cried.

"Rosalina! That is not what I mean! I do not want to lose you! I love you for Salazar's sake..." He wiped away my tears with his sleeve on his Slytherin robe.

"T-Then what?" I whimpered.

"I'm just a bit shocked, Rosie..." He swept my hair behind my shoulders. "Rosie... promise me something?"

"Anything." I vowed.

"Be forever mine." He kissed my lips tenderly.

"Forever." I smiled and embraced him lovingly.


A/N Sooo there we have it! Chapter complete wooooo :D

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