Let it all out

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I sighed, quite annoyed at Dom for not letting up on why I'm so moody today.

"Rose, anyone would think you're pregnant the way you yell at people for nothing!" Dom yelled at me, when we were back in the girls dormitory.

"So what if I was, Dom?!" I shouted back, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Rose," Dom's jaw dropped. Of course she would be shocked, I'm Hermione Granger's daughter after all. "You're pregnant...?" I nodded once, too ashamed to say anything else. "Who's the Dad...? Malfoy." She growled answering her own question. I gulped and backed against the wall as tears continued to stream from my eyes. Dom took another step towards me still ranting about how unsuitable Scorp is for a father.

"I KNOW!" I screamed at her. "Don't you think I know this? I've tried everything for what I think is right! But nothing works! Nothing! Zilch! Nada! El zippo!" Then Dom backed down, I sank to the floor as my depression hit me at full speed. Was this happening? How long before the whole of Hogwarts knew! I tried to stand as I heard a crash from the Gryffindor Common Room.


"Where is Rose?" I heard someone yell.

"U-Upstairs." I heard my little first-year brother, Hugo, stammer. I heard the stairs creak as someone stormed up the stairs. My door swung open and hit the wall with an almighty bang. There stood Albus Potter. My dearest friend and cousin.

"Dom! Get away the Godric away from Rose!" Albus spat at Dom and pulled me up and cradeled me in his arms as I cried. Dom huffed and walked out mumbling about irresponsible couples. "Rosie," Al whispered softly. "Scorp told me everything." The great thing about Al is even before me and Scorp were dating, they got along. They were actually best friends. Oh, did I mention he's also the first Potter in the Slytherin house? Which mean he and Scorp have to share a dormitory. "Well I think you're being really brave through all of this, Rosie." He smiled down at me.

"You've grown!" I accused, trying to change the subject.

"So have you." He replied looking at my tiny bump, visible through my figure hugging jumper.

"I..." I gulped. "I'm sorry, Al! I didn't know what to do or say!"

"You could have told me, Rosie." Al muttered. Don't get me wrong I love Albus to pieces but dear Godric doesn't he go on? I know he's trying to help me, but that's what Scorp is there for. That sounded harsh so I'll rephase it. I love Scorp and he promised to stand by me and love me no matter what, where Albus is my cousin and I know he'll be there for me but Scorpius is the father of my unborn child. Not Albus.

"I know, Albus, but I wanted me and Scorp to figure something out-" I started.

"Rose, Scorpius told me!" Albus exploded impatiently. "He's scared, Rose! He doesn't want to be a Dad at fifteen, ya know!"

I waited until Albus got all of his anger out before I yelled back. "I didn't ask for this, Potter! You think I want to be a Mum at fifteen?!"

"Well no..." He admitted sheepishly.

"Exactly. He's not the one that has to go through this. He's just the one who put it there!" Ha. Rose - one. Albus - zero. That'll shut him up. Oh wait, this is Albus Potter we're talking about, he once talked for three hours straight.

"There's this thing called protected sex!" He yelled at me.

"Yes, because Hogwarts hands out condoms in Muggle Studies, just like in Muggle high schools." I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Rose," Al sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose just below his glasses. "Please just take my advice and get rid of it." With that said he just walked out of my dormitory. That was when it hit me. I can't kill this child. It's my child. I took an oath that night using my own blood and black magic, I swore that if anything happened to Scorp or my child; that I would never love anything ever again.


"Rosie?" Scorp whispered, taking my bandaged hand. "What happened?" His blue eyes became wide and his voice was seared with pain. I winced as he touched where I had to cut to take the oath.

"Nothing and no-one." I lied, trying to soothe him. He frowned and started unwrapping the bandage, before I could snatch my hand away he had seen the shape of the deathly hallows cut into my palm.

"Rose what did you do!?" Scorp demanded, his voice was now completely pained.

"It's to protect you and our child." I whispered.

"Rose," He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his forehead on mine. "Don't hurt yourself for us. What did you give up?"

"Umm," I pressed my lips into a tight line. "I think it was that I'd never love anything again if anything happened to any of you."

Scorp sighed and kissed my lips softly before he interwined my fingers with his. "Right. Rose I love you-"

"And I love you right back." I smiled, inturrupting him.

A smirk played on his lips. "However," He continued. "No more black magic for Rosie ever again." He waggled a finger at me as though he was teaching a child right from wrong.

"Pch," I rolled my eyes. "Says you the one with Draco Malfoy as a Dad, and Lucius Malfoy as a Grandad."

He smirked and laid across my bed, pulling me down with him. "Be careful, Weasley," He mused. "The next step could be a dosey."

"Oh yeah?" I smirked. "How do you feel about becoming a ferret? Uncle Harry taught me how to, just in case you annoyed the Salazar out of me."

He laughed and held me close. "There's just one problem with your threat, Rosie." He chuckled.

"What?" I smiled.

"You haven't got your wand." He then burst into laughter.

"Oh... I knew that." I blushed and then joined in with his laughter.

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