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I let a curse fly as the third period buzzer sounded. The score was two to two. That meant overtime. I glided to the bench, listening to coach talk. Annoyance clouded my judgement when he put Jon on instead of me. I kept a stone expression as I planted myself on the bench. Adam mumbled a greeting to me. I ignored him, focusing on the start of overtime. I almost hoped we went into a shootout. I'd participated in two shootouts so far, sending the puck flying home for the game-winning goal in the last one. I could do with the experience again.

Unfortunately, my wish was left unanswered. Wishing for a shootout when Kaner was on the ice was a stretch. Despite my disappointment, it still felt good to watch Pat drive the puck home, to listen to the crowd erupt in cheers. A home victory was always rewarding.

This game result in one point my way, an assist to Brinksy that had resulted in a beautiful goal. I would have preferred more, but I couldn't complain. One was better than nothing.

Now, I headed off the ice with my team. We'd been on a winning streak lately. Another step on the ladder bolstered our spirits. Even without a few crucial injured team members, we were steadily moving up the board to playoff territory. Before then, there was the All-Star break. A part of me was bummed I hadn't been selected to play on the Central division team, like Pat had. But I knew my disappointment was ridiculous. Rookies my age never went. Hell, there were guys going for the first time this year and they'd been in the NHL for much longer than I was. Next year, maybe I'd get a chance. A part of me hoped Kaner would go next year as well. I couldn't imagine approaching the event without his relaxed demeanor.

In the locker room, I sat back on the bench. Before I started to unlace my skates, I took in the locker room. As stressful as it was playing so often, choosing to enter the NHL had been the best decision I'd ever made. My teammates had become my brothers in every way possible. I puffed my chest, proud of how well we'd been doing. Jon caught my eye from across the locker room, nodding slightly. I brought my attention back down to my uniform, letting the conversations of my teammates fill my head.

"Hey Waltzer!" I looked up after I'd shrugged my shoulder and chest pads off. Brinksy was pointing at me with a discarded glove. I rose an eyebrow. Once he saw he'd caught my attention, he continued. "I want you to grow that hair out. Duncs can't be the only one with this much lettuce." I wasn't the only who laughed. Duncan's complaints were drowned out.

"Hey, I'll grow it out when Kirbs does." Kirby spread his arms wide. Uh oh. I didn't like the competitive look in his eyes.

"I challenge you to it, eh?" The locker room exploded in pandemonium. Kirby's friendly smile was betrayed by the intensity in his eyes. He held out a hand, waiting for my agreement. I couldn't say no, not in front of the entire team.

"You're on." I could feel the eyes on us as I shook his hand, squeezing it sharply. What had I just gotten myself into? Kirby wasn't going to let this go. I didn't like long hair. Now I was stuck with it.

After everything had calmed down and interviews were finished, Adam and I headed for the car. Kirby would follow, eventually. I wanted to text Halle as soon as possible. Looking down at my phone, I grinned at the picture she'd sent.

In the mirror of her dorm room, the petite blonde was posing in a jersey, showing the back so my name was in full view. On her head sat the beanie I'd sent. In addition to sending the picture to me over Snapchat, she'd added it to her story. I wondered the reaction to it would be, from both her Carolina friends and Toronto family members. I texted her quickly, inquiring after it.

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