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My mom did just that. She waited until we were back inside and my siblings had scattered. I was now cornered in the kitchen, facing the interrogation again.

"How did you meet him?"

"He fell into my lap at that game last year."

"That's when you first met him?"

"Technically. Although he got my number when he played Carolina. Emily's car wouldn't start and the only mechanic at the arena was a bus mechanic. That meant we had to talk to the guy in front of the whole team. Tyler recognized me from that game up here."

"That sounds too perfect." My mom was smiling at me. I nodded. I knew it. " flew up to Chicago to see him in January." I nodded to confirm the statement. "But you two fell off until summer because he was busy...then he came to stay with you at the beach?"

"Yeah. He had a few weeks off before he had to go back to training camp for this season."

"And you stayed in the same yourselves?" I knew what she was getting at.

"Yes, Mom. And no, we did not have sex while we were there." My mom visibly relaxed.

"Have you...yet?"

"Uh, yeah. But only once. We wanted to fix things more, but it kinda just happened. We've really only seen each other two times since we fixed things in September. Once in Chicago and once at my apartment. The second time it was only for a few hours since he had a game and we ate ice cream to celebrate my birthday."

"I hope you're being smart. And safe. I know you love this boy, but you have two more years of school and a whole career ahead of you." She was right, like always.

"Tyler respects my commitments as much as I respect his. He wouldn't ask me to leave school for him. Lynds did it. She got through college while Alex was in Chicago. I can do it too. Everything has been going well. And now I get this break for a bit, so I get to go back to Chicago and stay with my friends."

"You're not staying here for all of Thanksgiving break?" My mom looked surprised.

"Nope. Tay is picking me up at eleven tomorrow and we're flying back. Lynds or Alex will pick us up. We get a girls week before the boys come back."

"But you'll come home for Christmas?"

"Can't. We're going away, remember?"

"Right. Doesn't he have family to visit for Christmas?" I bit my lip, debating if I should tell my mom the truth.

"Um...not really. He's not exactly in contact with his mom. They haven't talked in a few years. She wasn't very supportive of him."

"He doesn't talk to her at all? What about his father?"

"Neither are in the picture." My mom looked concerned.

"Has he been on his own for awhile?" I shrugged.

"Yeah. He was supported by his coaches a lot, and they helped him get here. So not completely alone."

"And now he has you." I nodded.

"Personal support system. I know you're on the fence, but just trust me. I'm old enough to handle myself."

"I'm just worried about how fast you've moved. It seems like you've only just met him."

"It's been a year, almost. We patched things up. And now I'm happy. The happiest I've ever been. I have a perfect balance. School, Tyler, and my girls. I feel on top of things and I'm confident in my work. I have an awesome support system. Now I just want to get through school so I can graduate. I'm hoping to get something related to the aquarium and the lake up there."

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