Chapter 5: What just happened

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Cruz p.o.v

We left the party not saying shit try to each other. I was still wondering who that nigga was and how he knew me. I drop everybody off and ma sister then I left to go find out were Tyler was so I called him.


"Were yo ass at nigga"

"Um hole up"

"Nahhh I need to know now before I put a bullet in yo ass the next time I see you and you better not be with no other bitch" It was silent for a while before he answer

"Uh ok mane and she aint no bitch"

"So its a she, who da fuck is it"

"Its Bree" I was so fucking shock when he called her name like how da fuck he know were she is before me so I ask him the adddress and he told me. Within mins I was outside and I aint gone lie shit fly as fuck so I press the Button at the gate.

"Yow alone mane" I look up and see a camera.

"Yes Tyler" then the gate and drove up to the house and see the same car that was at the party and that's when I realize that it must be Bree's car. Iwalk up to the door and and knock just so see another camera. Smh bih got her house on lock down.

Bree's p.o.v

When I came home from dropibg the girls home I took a shower and change in some shorts and tank top and went to go check up on Carmen . She was sound asleep. I went down stairs to see Tyler on his phone the he asked.

"Curz is curious and I told him were I was now he wanna come over to know what's up"

"Omg how many people gone know, how many ppl you wanna die Ty"

Cruz ma boss and close friend and he can handle himself plus you need the help"

"Fine go ahead " he told Cruz ma address and in mins he was at ma door so I went to answer it.

"So" I said as I answered the door as he look me up and down and that's when I notice what I was wearing. Fuck! Then I walked away leaving him at the door.

"Close it when you come in"

Cruz p.o.v

Dang that ass in those shorts. She know how to tease a nigga but that's not why I'm here. I came close the door and walk in the living room where they were sitting on the couch so I sit facing them.

"So who gone talk" I ask breaking the silence.

"I will" she said.

"Go on"she continue

"It all started my freshmen year when I met a drug dealer name Cupsoup. Then we became closer then we choose to be friends. He let me in on the drug game my junior year where he thought me everything I need to know and we were unstoppable." She said with a smile.
I know him" I told her he was once a big drug dealer until he died. She continue.........
"Um ok, but last year we were on a killing spree going after this Mexican drug lord that messed with our shit, so we went after them all but on our last killing mission Killa boys were there but we still had to kill them not leaving no witness but one got away and he must of tell kills and we found out he was kills main man. Cupsoup was the only friend and bestie that I trust, he took care of me always buying me expensive shit but all of the that stop when we found out that Killa was after us. We were so close in killing him, we kill most of his guys but during the summer we went after he was way too prepared. Cupsoup boys and me wasn't enough it was like he teamed up with another crew. So you know shots starts firing everywhere and Cupsoup was hit twice so me and his best hit man pull him out and drop him at the hospital were his last words were "take care of ma ride or die bro and give her ma thing Bree I love you girl" that was the last thing I heard him say before he died. A days ago when I was in the gym Killa called saying that I owe him my life and that he wanted me but I refuse and he killed ma mom. So I move to plan B and found out that Cupsoup bought me this house leaving millions. So a couple of days his ex girlfriend/baby mama came to the house for a package and she left her child so right now I'm her new mom and I have to watch out for my back and Carmen's back."

"Shiiiiiit now Killa the biggest drug lord on yo ass, now I see why all that shit last night for"

Tyler p.o.v

After hearing Bree's story I pulled her ovre and she cried in my shirt. I felt bad for her so me and Cruz got to plan for Killa. I signal Cruz to come take her up an he pick her up bridal style and she said

"Um y'all can stay the night just don't go in the room to the left of mine"

"Iight" me and Cruz said and he walked off.

Cruz p.o.v

I carry her up to her room that she said was hers so I laid her on the bed.

"Why you even came" she asked.

"Um well first you shot ma sister so I have to know what's that about and plus I wanna know who the guy was plus I thought u and Ty have a thing"

"Oh well yo sister kind of deserve it and me and Ty is just really close but I actually like but your sister turns me off with her nasty attitude" I chuckle

"She's just jealous that I finally found a girl that I like and I think she thinks your taking me away from her and she was hella pist that Ty left with you"

"I told him not to. I just don't want him or anyone else to die. I already lost ma mom I can't let y'all die for me now"

"I know a ex drug dealer that can help us take down Killa"


"This guy name Quincy"

"Oh well let's just lay low fa now but if he's back then you can call your friend"


I look around the and only picture that was there was Bree when she was little with her mom and the dude with the scratched out face was her dad.

"That's the pic ma mom gave me and don't ask me bout the guy cause that's how she gave it to me"


I then left the room an went downstairs to Tyler. We need a plan.


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