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Moira's POV

I watch both their faces, in their states of shock, neither of which I could tell more than the other. The man who had walked in with Veira was facing the fire, no doubt trying to figure out his next move. Roons were always like this, their minds always focused on the battle plan. Their minds were sharp and methodical.

"What is she talking about Althose?" Veira asks, looking towards him and back to me.

"The prophecy states that I must find a woman of magic who will help me defeat the daemons in the Giyra," He turns towards her, guilt in his eyes "It appears that you are that woman." His face flushes slightly.

"What does that mean?" She asks, her voice had gotten smaller. He abandons her question and asks me one of his own.

"How long have you known?" He asks, his voice gruff. I think back trying to remember the first time I had met Veira.

"She had to be about 16 years old,"


I turned around, a hand was stretched towards the back of my horse where my pouch was situated.

"What do you think you're doing there?" I asked feigning disinterest by still pulling the horse along. There was no response but I knew better than to turn around, they would have the advantage by my movement. "What is it that you need?" I stooped the horse, turning it sideways just enough for it to be at an angle that would allow my escape if need be.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am," A meek voice sounded. "I-I'm just hungry." I swiveled around shocked by the higher pitch of the voice. A girl was standing behind the rear of the horse. Her soft face was smeared with grime and her hair, matted and stuck in a clump at the base of her neck. "I-I'll do anything for anything." She whispered.

"Oh child," I cried out horrified, "there is no need for such thing." I stepped forward and rested my hand on her shoulder. She flinched slightly under the lightweight of my hand, I let go of her shoulder. "Come to my shop, I will make you something to eat."

"I Cannae pay you back though!" she said worried, a hand pulling out the empty pockets of her worn and frayed smock. I shook my head vigorously,

"Can you wash?" I asked. Something about her told me that she was not comfortable being given things without earning them. She nodded her head eagerly "Then it is settled, you can help me wash some pots and wipe down the counters, " I rubbed my lower back gingerly, "I'm getting a bit too old to be moving around they say." The corner of her lips pulled up slightly to form a smile.

She walked with a bit of a limp, I had noticed a few minutes into our journey. Each step was awkward and was causing her great discomfort. I looked down at her feet subtly, like her too, they were worn and tired. I reminded myself to bandage her feet when we got to my home.

"Why don't you ride Mazco" I suggested, my hidden maternal instinct kicked in, causing me to no longer be able to see her suffer and stay quiet about it. "He doesn't bite." I stopped the horse long enough for her to think and look at her feet before she finally decided to climb on the horse.

"Thank you." She whispered, her voice light with relief.

My home was different from the rest of the places on my narrow street, for one, my home was two levels; a level with my bedroom at the top and a lower level that acted as my shop. When you walked in you wouldn't know it was a place that could be lived in. Then again, I didn't look like a witch but I still was one.

Handing the reigns of Mazco to the stable lodger I pointed in the direction of the shop, "We'll be going there." I said, she looked to where I was pointing, a frown on her face. "I know it looks small but it gets the job done." I moved in the direction I pointed and she followed behind me.

Inside I searched around the cupboard for the medical supplies I would use to wrap her ankle inside the many drawers holding the many useless things I kept.

"Ah there it is!" I shouted, pulling it out from under a stack of recipe papers. "You should go wash up before supper." I said after.

"I don't have anything to wear-"

"You May call me Moira, and don't worry, I'll find you some." I ushered her up the winding steps and up into my section of the shop I pointed her in the direction of the bathtub and went to fetch hot buckets of water for the bath. Placing them in the room I closed the curtain and went looking for my old box of things.

When I heard the sloshing of the water in the tub I went downstairs to start on supper. Pulling out a rack of honeyed bread I set it on the table and took out a chunk of cheese and started to work on the stew. Sadly, I hadn't had time to go to the butcher's this morning so there would be no meat in the dish, "hopefully she wouldn't mind" I thought to myself with a sigh.

When she came down the stairs, her hair was wet but it looked a whole lot cleaner than it was before. "Why don't you sit down," I said gesturing towards the table behind me, "You must be tired." She made a move to the table before stopping herself

"I haven't cleaned -" I waved my hand dismissing her worries

"Later, first you eat." With less guilt she sat down at the table listening to me as I hummed a long-forgotten song. When the food was ready, I scooped out hefty servings into two bowls and set one down in front of her. Sitting down together we ate in silence.

I glanced towards her, her face had turned red and splotchy. She had been crying. Instinctively I put my hand over her own to comfort her and felt a shock zap through my body.

"Keep her safe, they're coming for her. MOIRA KEEP HER SAFE!" I shot my head back, my brain pulsing from the strong magic that had taken hold of my witch's mind. The girl had stopped crying, a now worried expression upon her face. I smiled, letting her know everything was alright.

I would obey these commands because I knew my life depended on it.


"For five years, I've kept her safe." I whispered, my eyes landing on Veira's, "I can't let them hurt her." I let out a cry, the thought of something bad happening to her sending swords through my chest. Veira stood and walked to my side, her slender arms enveloping me in a hug.

"It will be okay Mum." She whispered.


[Not Edited]

Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm sorry I haven't updated in some time, I've been busy with assignments and what not xoxo.

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