Youths Night 2

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We arrived at the pizza place we all got out and went in I hand Kendrick his airpods

Kendall: if mom knew you brought these she would kill you

He chuckled

Kendrick: you used them so you can't tell
Kendall: fair enough
Mr Andrew: ok everyone find a seat as I place the order in

I went to the bathroom to wash my face  soon I looked in the mirror

Kendall: you are intelligent,you are beautiful, you were wonderfully made in the likeness and image of God, you have a purpose, You matter

Soon I heard a sniff someone came out the stall

Random girl: thank you so much I really need that

She give me a hug um ok soon she pulled back

Random girl: I needed to hear that

She wipe her face then smile soon she left I smile soon I was about to come out the door I buck my head to someone's shoulder


I look up a little there he stood Joey Lockhart

Joey: I'm sorry are you ok?
Kendall: it hurts but I'll be ok
Joey: good by the way what that girl said to you earlier was so not cool

Soon he walked off I continue to walk and look for a seat

Kera: Kenny! I saved you a seat

She wave I went and sat beside her

Kera: anna do you have something to tell kendall?

She roll her eyes and chew her gum

Anna: I'm sorry that you can't hang

She chuckled

Anna: fine I'm sorry I said that you can't hang.........happy kera?
Kera: yes

Soon the chair beside me pulled from underneath I turn their joey sat he glanced at me

Kera: so the lock in is fast approaching
Anna: I already have a whole schedule planned out for what I'm gonna do all night
Kera: you do know the youth leaders will have us all occupied
James: exactly
Anna: so
Travis: and besides what's even on your schedule
Anna:for example sneak to the boys side

Austin chuckled

Travis: you do realize the youth leaders won't be sleeping
Anna: I'll find a way
Austin: wow
James: welp I'm heading over to tessa guys

He got up and left following him was travis

Anna: finally they left anyways I'm going to start planning on how to sneak on the boys side without

She begin to fake cough

Anna:I totally forgot one of them are still here

What is she even talking about after a while all the pizza's arrived I took 3 slices of barbecue

Soon we were all done eating

Selena: ok my crew lets go

Me,Joey,and Kera stood up

Anna: see you later j

She blowed a kiss wow

Selena: Ken and kendrick are also coming so we make space

Soon we head over to the youth leaders hug them all and said goodnight soon we head out ken got in the passenger seat Selena in driver's me,kendrick, kera, and Logan fit in the back lucky we all weren't big we actually fit without being squashed Selena start the jeep soon we drove off joey kept glancing at me I don't know why Selena dropped us off first
As we walked in the house

Mom: how was youths?
Kendall: great
Kendrick: awesome
Ken: ok

She smile

Mom: kenny where's your binder?

My jaw dropped

Kendall: I left it somewhere ughhhh

I phone out and call kera she didn't answer ugh

Kendall: I would call Selena but she's driving

Kendrick went upstairs ken went to the kitchen after a while I went up to my room

Soon my cellphone rang I picked it up

Kera: you were trying to reach me
Kendall: yeah I left my binder somewhere I was trying to see if I left it in the jeep
Kera: oh you left it In the bus i forgot to tell you tessa just called and said she has it
Kendall: ok good thank you goodnight love you
Kera: sweet dreams love you too

I ended a call what a relief soon my phone buzzed from an unknown number

??: hey
Kenny: hi who is this?
??: kera give me your number
Kenny: why?
??: because I asked for it duh
Kenny: and who are you
*?? sent an image *

I clicked on the image it was a pic of Joey soon I added him in my contacts

Kenny: oh
Joey: what are you doing?
Kenny: getting ready for bed
Joey: this early?
Kenny: its almost midnight
Joey: so tomorrow's Saturday sleep in
Kenny: why would I do that when I have alot to do
Joey: you are something else yanno

I left it on read

Joey: wanna call?
Kenny: no thank you I'm going to bed goodnight
Joey: sweet dreams princess 😏

Princess? Who's he calling princess I put my phone on charge went and took a shower after I got dressed in my pajamas I kneeled beside my bed and said the lord's prayer

Kendall: our father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation , But deliver  us from evil: for thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

Soon I got up went on my bed and fell asleep

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