A Small Problem

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As we arrived I sink my self in the soft sofa

Mrs Veronica: come on al let's go get Lilly from grandpa and grandma
Allyson: yay

She jumped up and down Lilly is a golden retriever puppy she's soooo cute

James: mom did you feed Fire
Mrs Veronica: meeeeee?? Wasn't it your job?
James: come on with me Andrew

Andrew got up and followed James in the kitchen to the slide door to the backyard

Mrs Veronica: we'll be back shortly Kenny

I nod Mrs Veronica and Allyson left soon tessa came back out changed in a oversized hoodie and black leggings

Tessa: why didn't anyone turn the air conditioning on

I chuckled

she went and turned it on the air conditioning flow throughout the entire livingroom and kitchen

Tessa: much better

soon their was a knock

Kendall: I'll go change in your room

She nod we both got up I went in the hall towards her room I went in and got change in  a lime green oversized hoodie with gray leggings as I began to fix my hair in a messy bun tessa's door opened revealing kera

Kera: you even brought clothes here

She placed her hand on her heart

Kendall: I left these here from the other day K and Mrs Veronica washed them for me
Kera: I'm borrowing something from tess

She went straight into her bureau without asking that's so rude

Kera: aha found something

She pulled out a black leggings then went in her closet and took out a blue oversized hoodie soon she began to take her clothes off I left the room as I walked out the hallway their everyone sat on the couch Austin,Joey, Anna who rolled her eyes when she saw me

Austin: is Alan still in the bathroom
Kendall: I don't know
Tessa: why don't you just go use the other one
Austin: I told you someone's in there
Tessa: oh

He got up and went through the hallway

Kendall: um tess
Tessa: yeah?
Kendall: a word

She got up and followed me in the kitchen

Kendall: um kera went in your clothes she took out a leggings and an oversized hoodie
Tessa: oh
Kendall: I just needed to let you know
Tessa: thanks for telling me I'll let Mrs Veronica know about it

I nod soon we went back and joined the others kera day with her head on Anna's in the couch

Kera: Oh tess hope you don't mind I borrowed an outfit
Anna: you guys should've atleast tell me to bring something to change in

Tessa just nods soon head in the hall she looked upset

Kendall: did Mrs Veronica come in yet?
Kera: um I don't know guys?
Joey: no she didn't

I walked towards the front door

Kera: where are you going
Kendall: next door
Kera: oh ok

I opened the front door and went out I opened my phone and call tessa

Tessa: hello?
Kendall:, I'm going next door you coming?
Tessa: yeah

She ended the call after 3 minutes tessa came out we both walked next door to her grandparents house tessa opened the front door we walked in their tessa's grandmother stood talking to Mrs Veronica

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