The Talk

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Joey: its literally 1pm ker
Kera: I know but please just stay for awhile pwease
Joey: fine

I walked in the living room

Kendall: goodevening everyone
Everyone except joey: good evening
Kera: ok shall we begin
Mrs Veronica: yes indeed

She stood up

Mrs Veronica: everyone please open your bibles to 2 kings Chapter 3 verse 4

And so we did bible study time
After bible study was done everyone were interacting I went for a glass of water as soon as I turned around

Joey: Boo!

He startled me soon he chuckled

Kendall: that's not funny I almost spilled the water all over Mrs Veronica's kitchen
Joey: then you would get the mop
Kendall: no you'd get the mop
Joey: wanna bet?

I glare at him he chuckled soon james and Austin came in the kitchen

James: hey you two what's happening here
Kendall: nothing at all james
Joey: if you say so

I glare at him he chuckled soon I walked out the kitchen

(Joey's POV)

As kendall left the kitchen

Austin: you like her
Joey: not really if I wanted her I could get her
Austin: this one's gonna be hard to crack
Joey: no girl can resist this charm

Austin chuckled

James: she's not like every other girl I'm being honest we've known her for soooo long
Austin: exactly
Joey: wanna bet?
Joey: you heard me
James: I don't think that's necessary guys............
Austin: fine I bet you $100 you can't get her to fall in love with you by the end of this month Mr loverboy
James: dude I don't.............
Joey: you're on and you know what if I win I'll crush her little heart right in your face
Austin: if you say so

He smirk

James: I don't think it's a good idea plus where would he find the money if he loses
Joey: so you think I'll lose

Austin chuckled

James: I didn't mean it like you know what I'm not apart of this

James ran out the kitchen Austin pat my shoulder soon they both walked out yeah right she won't resist me

(Kendall's POV)

Austin: yeah and he said horrible stuff about you
Kendall: oh ok
Travis: you do realize that kenny isn't bothered at all right
Austin: yep
Andrew: anyways come on kendall

Me and Andrew walked down the church field

Andrew: so she said I can come over on Saturday
Kendall: I thought we were all gonna meet at James house
Andrew: oh yeahI Totally forgot

We both chuckled soon we turned their joey stood with kera talking to Austin, James,and travis


I jumped he chuckled

Kendall: if you scare me one more time you'll regret it
Joey: oh yeah I'm suppose to be scared

I glare at him

Joey: so tell me Ms Kendall what makes you Kendall....what makes you so gloomy
Kendall: The man upstairs makes me gloomy my faith in God makes me kendall

I smile and stare at the sky joey yawned

Joey: I mean are you adventurous

I glare at him

Kendall: why do you not believe that christ died on the cross for us?
Joey: look it's all crap
Kendall: no it's not
Joey: believe me it is..........a guy would risk his life for people who didn't give a 5 cent about him
Kendall: he died to wash away our sins
Joey: even though he washed them away they still came back you can't escape sinning
Kendall: yes you can by praying

Joey chuckled

Joey: it's not that matter if you pray you'll still sin
Kendall: and when you do you can ask for forgiveness and he will forgive you he's a forgiving God
Joey: well then maybe I just don't want forgiveness
Kendall: that's not true
Joey: look this Christian life you're living is boring
Kendall: honoring God is the best thing I've ever done with my life nothing's boring about that
Joey: you need to live a little
Kendall: believe me I'm living
Joey: technically you're not because you're worshipping someone who doesn't even exist
Kendall: and I'll continues to worship him UNTIL I DIE

I got up and walked off he made me so angry

Kera: where are you going
Kendall: my mom's here

I walked past her went straight to my mom's jeep kendrick got in backseat she drove off

Kendall: I literally can't with him mom
Mom: what happened now sweetie?
Kendall: we got into an argument and he said God doesn't exist he made me so angry mom.....Father forgive for being so angry


As I kneeled down my phone went off

Joey: hey I'm sorry about what I said earlier

I closed my eyes before I answered him I placed the phone down and prayed because I was angry and I needed God to forgive me for being so angry

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