One Thing After Another

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The commander arrives at what appears to be some sort of chapel on the outside and waits by the door for his date to arrive.

"Am I sweating?" The commander mumbles to himself as he wipes off some of the sweat on his forehead. Fortunately he doesn't have to wait any longer as Tirpitz and Eugen emerge, but Bismarck is not seen. "Where's Bismarck?" And then as if in a dramatic fashion the battleship and heavy cruiser part to reveal none other than Bismarck in all her Ironblood glory. She wears a long black gown paired with matching color pantyhose and heels with golden decorations, and the whole outfit is paired with a long black cape that fails to stray from a military appearance with the tassels and the cross keeping it secure.

"How do I look?" Bismarck asks. "Tirpitz and I were debating on whether I would be wearing this or..." The Ironblood leader trails off as she realizes that the commander is at a loss for words.

"Bismarck... Oh... Wow..." The commander stutters. "You... You look absolutely gorgeous..."

"Hello? Earth to commander?" Eugen giggles, waving her hand in front of the commander's face and snapping him back to his senses.

"Ah, sorry about that, was just admiring her beauty." The commander chuckles, scratching the back of his head.

"You look quite handsome yourself." Bismarck says.

"Thanks." The commander replies.

"Well this is where we take our leave. You two have fun!" Eugen calls out as she and Tirpitz begin walking off.

"Don't get too drunk schwester!" Tirpitz calls out before they vanish off into the distance.

"Well, nothing else to do but head inside." The commander says as he and Bismarck look at the doors. "Shall we?" He asks, offering his arm.

"We shall." Bismarck replies as she links with the commander and they head inside. Just off in the distance is where everyone else is, and just as the two expected, nobody is looking any less than their very best.

"I believe you made a reservation?" The host asks as he walks up to them and the commander hands over the money.

"I was the one yes." The commander replies.

"We're doing a multicultural event today so you'll get to experience many different kinds of cooking." The host says as he leads the two to a table. "I also see that you two are decorated in more ways than one."

"We are the commander and leader of the Ironblood fleet after all, but please just treat us like you would the others." The commander replies.

"I agree, we wouldn't want to put any extra stress on the cooks." Bismarck adds.

"I will be sure to relay that." The host replies. "I'm sure they'll appreciate it." And with that the two look around to see carts of food being pushed around.

"Hmm? That's interesting." Bismarck says.

"Tonight we're doing dim sum." One of the waiters replies. "We may or may not have stolen this idea from the Eastern Radiance but how are they going to know?"

"I've never heard of that before." The commander says.

"Food comes around, go ahead and stop us if you see something tasty." The waiter replies. "We'll also be serving other cuisines in this fashion."

"Well this is certainly interesting." Bismarck says.

"You tell me." The commander replies. "This is one heck of a first date I planned out." He chuckles.

"Well I hope it goes well for the both of us." Bismarck says, smiling at the commander as the two smell something good and stop one of the waiters. Once they both agree on something a small metal container filled with small shrimp dumplings have been placed on the table before the waiter moves on to another table. "This looks so tasty..."

"And this is the Ironblood's take on it." The commander replies. "I wonder how they've made this."

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