It's Ok Little Snakeling...

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New book, specifically for Tomarry! Now my Drarry readers won't get triggered when I post in "their book"! Yay!

3rd POV (Tom)

Tom was sitting in his living room, lightly and gently scolding his house elf. He never really believed in the cruelty most wizards do. It might be because the red-eyed wizard was raised in a slightly abusive orphanage. The house elf, Tiana, disapparated. Tom was left on his couch, thoughts of what his precious mate might look like swimming in his head. Then a boy, about 10 in age, appeared in front of him. He blinked, once, twice, before noticing that the young boy was crying. He gasped and pulled the sobbing boy into his chest, and began singing, in parseltounge for whatever reason, "Come, little children, I'll take thee away, into a land, of enchantment..." the boy clutched onto Tom's chest, still sobbing his little heart out, "Come, little children, the time's come to play, here in my garden, of shadows..." the boy's crying seemed to lessen, but he was still losing quite a few tears, "Follow, sweet children, I'll show thee the way, through all the pain and, the sorrows..." Tom stroked the still crying, though not sobbing anymore, boy's raven locks. "Weep not, poor children, for life is this way, murdering beauty and passions..." Tom smiled softly as the raven haired boy's cries turned to sniffles, he kept up his singing, "Hush now, dear children, it must be this way, to weary of life and deceptions..." the boy looked up at the young wizard, green eyes full of curiosity, the wizard in question chuckled, dark brown hair bouncing with the movement as hw continued his song, "Rest now, my children, for soon we'll away, into the calm and the quiet..." the curious green eyes lowered themselves back into the apparent warmth of the Dark Lord's chest. "Come, little children, I'll take thee away, into a land, of enchantment..." the low hissing of the snake language seemed to sooth the boy, "Come, little children, the time's come to play, here in my garden of shadows..." red eyes met green, and Tom knew in that moment, he had found his mate. "What's your name, little one?" the green eyed boy looked confused for a moment, before stuttering out, "H-harry." Tom nodded, and pulled Harry deeper into the hug. "Well Harry, I'm going to call you Snakeling, is that alright?" he had recognized the signs of abuse immediately and was having none of it. "Y-yes Sir..." Tom was shocked and infuriated, "Sir"?! How far had these blasted people went on his mate?! He kept calm still, and instead replied with, "Oh Snakeling, you don't have to call me Sir, my name is Tom, but whatever you want is fine," the emerald-eyed boy seemed shocked, but murmured, "Is Silver ok? It just sounds... right." Tom slightly teared up at the mention of the name his precious Lioness had given him, but he nodded, and said "Yes of course, whatever you want." Harry nodded, and moved to sit beside Tom. "How did I transport myself like that? One moment I was being beaten, the next I was in your arms and crying..." Tom got even angrier, but he kept his cool and replied, "You're a wizard Snakeling," his mate blinked a few times before replying, "But I'm just me... how could I be a wizard?" the brown haired wizard just shook his head, "It's in your blood Snakeling. Your fathers where and are great wizards. The one that lives is an amazing potions master, though he has no memory of you, and the one who died died for you. I was close to them, Prongs and Fang they called themselves. And I'm working to free your wrongly accused godfather. We'll get you out of wherever you where put." Harry's eyes where wide with intrest, "You can get me out?" Tom locked his permanently red eyes with the wide green ones, "For you Snakeling, I'd give up everything." his mate hugged his midriff, burying his face into the robed warmth. "Thank you Silver..." the name and the voice tugged on the usually closed off wizards heartstrings, and, for the first time in 50 years, he let a tear slip down his pale cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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