Enjoy the angst sisters

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The cold bed I sat on felt the opposite of my red cheeks with hot tears sliding down them as I listened to my parents screaming at eachother from in the kitchen of our small one-story household.
"Why do you always come home so late? Your work gets off at 6! Not 11!" I heard my mom scream.
"I told you I'm working overtime!" That was my dad.
"Stop lying to me!"
"I'm not lying to you!"
"If you were never happy with me then why did we have Jasper?" I was listening intently from my bedroom door.
"Lenna, can we not-"
"I never wanted a kid! Then you convinced me and now you're seeing someone else!" I gasped loudly and could have sworn my dad did the same. I slowly opened the door and started to tiptoe down the hall, peeking around the wall looking into the kitchen.
"You never wanted a kid?" I could see my dad in shock staring sadly at mom as she held onto the counter with tight, white, knuckles, her face tilted toward the sink. Neither of them could see me.
"NO! He looks like you and you don't even love me anymore and I-" She was crying. I was crying. I could tell my dad might be crying too. "We're over Greg. I'm done with your lies and- I'm sending Jasper to that camp tomorrow morning while I figure out something to do with him."  I noticed that there was a bag right next to my mom. She threw it at my dad. "Leave. Now." I stepped into the room loudly, bright tears streaming down my face as I looked up to both my mom and dad.
"Wait... Jasper!" My dad gasped when he saw me. My mom looked up from the counter and her eyes grew large upon seeing me.
"Jasper? What?" She said. And before they could say anything else, I sprinted toward the front door, leaving a trail of tears across the floor behind me as I slammed open the door and ran into the freezing midnight darkness of the neighborhood.
I was blindly running, barely paying attention to my surroundings as memories from that camp spread through my head as I quickly turned down a new road.

I gulped as I saw the dynamite light in this deep cavern I had been exploring.
"DAVID!" I screamed, as I tried to run back up to the surface. BOOM! Light surrounded me and then everything grew dark. All I could feel was pain and anguish and screaming. Where was David? Why didn't he come into the cavern with me?
Suddenly I was secluded in white, a thin blanket covering me and a constant beep beep beep to my side. From my right, I saw a tuft of thick red hair laid upon the bed I had been placed upon. My eyes adjusting I realized that it was David, fast asleep, with bright red eyes as though he had been crying. I shifted my leg and groaned in pain.
"What happened?" I asked myself, my head dizzy. I felt David stir, looking at me slightly as I smiled at him before wrenching open his eyes and hugging me.
"Jasper! You're okay!" I could feel him smiling through the patterned hospital gown I was wearing.

"What happened?" I asked again, but directed towards David this time. He unwrapped his arms from around me and looked solemnly at me."I can't remember anything at all."
"You got stuck in that old mine and there was a trippy wire that sparked some leftover TNT. You almost died!" He said, and I could tell he was holding back tears. That's when it all came back to me. The white light, the burning of my lungs, the total darkness, the pain and the smoke I had felt. And among all that I saw David's silhouette, his arms pushed out and the feeling of falling.
"You... you pushed me, didn't you!" David looked up in shock.
"What, no, of course I didn't! I wanted to go back to camp, you wanted to keep exploring and then you got into this accident. Why would I have pushed you? You're just remembering it wrong Jasp."
"Get away from me! You psychopath!" I screamed and I could hear the beep beep beeps to my side getting more rapid.
"Jasper! Wait, calm down! I'll be right back with a nurse!" I could tell he was crying again but I didn't care. I just kept screaming and screaming.

I couldn't go back to that camp, it was a nightmare. If I went back there, my PTSD would go on a rampage and I could hurt someone. I couldn't face David after what I had assumed of him, even though it had just been my PTSD feeding me lies. I couldn't believe my mom would even think about sending me there again. I looked up to see where I was, most of my anger left in the tears behind me. Trees surrounded me, glowing faintly from tall streetlights with silent flies floating magically around them. I shivered in the winter cold, I had absolutely no idea where I was.

"Hello!" I yelled. I could feel panic building up inside of me. It was the mine all over again. "HELLO?!" I was hyperventilating, short foggy breaths rolling out of my warm mouth into the cool air. I needed to calm down. I ran toward one of the benches and curled myself into a little ball, whispering to myself in the freezing temperature.

"Everything is fine. Everything is fine. You're not in the mine Jasper, David isn't here. You're safe. You're going to be okay. There's no dynamite. You're fine. You're just tired. You just need to go to sleep. Yeah, go to sleep. You're going to be all right. You're going to be just fine. Just go to sleep and everything will be better. It's cold but you can do it. You can do it Jasper."

I started breathing a lot more deeply and I slowly calmed down as I lay on the bench, my eyelids slowly drooping down as my head lay on the cold bench. As I drifted off, a voice in my head seemed to be screaming for me to wake up. It seemed familiar yet distant, like a memory from a long time ago. It was David.
"I'm so sorry." I whispered to myself, as I smiled fondly, drifting into a cold sleep from which I would never wake up.

Lmao he's dead

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2020 ⏰

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