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I just got done taking Miracle a bath and feeding her. After putting her to bed and her falling asleep as soon as she laid her head down. My baby was tired. I was now sitting at the edge of Miracle bed getting ready to head out for work. Which was Prostituting.

Yes that was my job only to keep a roof over my sister head and food in her mouth. I did this almost every night. I started doing this at the beginning of my senior year. That's when I really realized my mom wasn't doing anything for us. We would some times go hungry because of the money she makes by doing what she does but only to spend it on drugs and SOMETIMES ON US.

I had to do it, it's the only way to make fast money that I needed. No one knows what I do except for my mother who encourages me to do it. Crazy right?

Not even my BestFriend Asia knows about this. She doesn't know anything about my life basically. She never been over to my house, she never met my mom... NOTHING. I just can't let people see the way I'm living. And this is only to protect my sister from getting taking from me.

I cried mostly every night before I left to go work. Tears slid down my face as I watched my sister sleep. I was tired of living this way but was doing this for her.

I whipped my tears, bent over to give my sister a kiss, grabbed my purse and walked out the room.

There is a lock on the outside of the door which I have a key to only because you never know with my mom. I lock my sister in the room every night. I know sounds crazy but it's only for her safety. Never know who my mother lets in at this time of night.

I walked to the living room heading out the front door to see my mother doped out at the kitchen table knocked out. Needles were all over the table and it wasn't pretty to look at. I rolled my eyes trying not to cry as I left out the house locking it up.

I prayed and prayed as my pimped picked me up down the straight. You never know what will happen what I do is a very dangerous job and I just pray I make it home to my sister.

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