Chapter 11

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(Erica's POV)
Me and Stiles walked into school early. We just realized that nobody was here. "Why is no one here? Are we that early?!" Stiles said "I guess so." I said "But that gives us time to-" I was cut off by him kissing me "Make out?"  He said smiling at me "Yep!" I said then wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands holding my hips/waist and we started making out.  I pulled away cuz I heard someone walk in the school doors. Me and Stiles hid behind a locker that was in the classroom we were making out in. The person walked in and we realized it was Peter Hale. He grabbed a Stack of blank papers and walked out, "Why is he here?!" Stiles whispered/yelled "Idk!" I whispered back "We gotta get out of here." He said then pulled me out the class room. "Why hello Erica and Stiles." Peter said from down the hallway "What do you want peter..?" Stiles said "Oh nothing." Peter said getting closer to me and Stiles as we started backing up "Peter get away from them!" Derek yelled from down our side of the hallway "I think I'd rather be closer to them Derek." Peter said grabbing our arms "Peter! Let. Them. Go!" Derek yelled running to him "What if I don't Derek? What are you gonna do?" Peter said "Alot of horrible things to you. Now let them go Peter!" Derek said Still running down the long hallway "I think I'd rather do this," Peter said slashing mine and Stiles' throats then dropping us. Derek Stopped running halfway to us "N-no!" Derek yelled and started crying "Aw what's wrong Derek? They can both heal. Oh wait! That's right! Stiles is human not wolf! Ahahaha guess that's a loss for you Derek!" Peter said walking away and out the school "St-Stiles!" I said holding my throat. Derek ran up to me and stuck his claws into me "This'll trigger the healing process... Im sorry but," He said and broke my arm. I screamed in pain but then I started healing. I healed completely and stood up "Thanks Derek. But what about Stiles?" I said worried "Derek? Who's on the fl- Stiles!" Scott said running to Stiles "Scott wait u- Stiles!" Lydia said also running to Stiles "Oh lord please don't let Liam come over here..." Derek begged "Stiles?!" Isaac said running to Stiles "Thank god it wasn't Liam." Derek said "Liam will get here eventually. Then that's when me and Scott are gonna have to hold him back." He said "I know.." Derek said then Liam came running to Stiles "Baby! Stiles no!" Liam said Crying and Screaming "Shh.. Liam its okay!" Scott and Isaac said trying to calm Liam down while holding him back "An ambulance will be here soon Derek." Lydia said putting her phone away "Okay..." Derek said picking Stiles up bride style.


(Now it's nobodies POV)

The ambulance got to the school and picked up Stiles. Derek drove the pack to the hospital to see Stiles. They walked in and Derek just waited outside. Scott walked out and hugged Derek "He's gonna be ok Derek." Scott said "It wouldn't have happened if I stopped Peter..." Derek said "Derek its not your fault okay? Peter's an asshole. It happened too fast." Scott said "You're right.." Derek said "Now, lets go inside. My mom said we can see him in a few minutes." Scott said "Okay." Derek said then they walked in and sat down. "Scott... Sweetie come here.." Melissa said "Yes ma'am?" Scott said walking in the room where Stiles was "Well... Stiles may not... Make it.." She said closing the sound-proof door "What?! No!" Scott said crying into his mother "I'm so sorry baby..." Melissa said hugging him and crying alittle. Melissa stumbled backwards trying to open the door while holding Scott in her other arm."Ms. McCall?" Erica stood up and started walking towards Melissa and Scott "I'm sorry Erica.." Melissa said "No." Erica said trying not to believe it "No. No. No. No!" Erica fell to her knee's crying "This might be your last chance to see him so go head.." Melissa said hugging Scott who was still crying and Helping Erica up with her other hand. Erica walked into the room where Stiles is and puts a rose by him and kisses him forehead and walks out and sits by Derek. Derek stood up and started walking into the room with Stiles. Derek stood over Stiles who was laying on the hospital bed. Derek kisses his lips and started walking off "D-der......?" Stiles groaned.

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