Chapter 23

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The forth month later:

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Stiles woke up and tried to open the trapdoor to the basement but it wouldn't open "Dad! Dad can you unlock this please!" Stiles yelled but his father wasn't home.

The pack started getting worried that Stiles wasn't there after 3 month. "We gotta go see if he's ok." Scott said "You're right. Let go." Derek said then they went to Stiles' house. "Hello?" Isaac knocked on the door "Move Isaac," Derek said and Isaac moved then he kicked the door twice hard. They went inside and looked around "Stiles? Stiles!" Scott yelled "Scott? Scott! Lydia! Everyone down here! The basement!!" Stiles yelled and the pack ran to the trapdoor and tried to open it but it was locked and they didn't have a key. "Hold on bud, we'll get you!" Scott said and kicked the trapdoor and broke it. "Stiles, grab my hand!" Scott said and Stiles reached for Scott's hand but couldn't reach "I can't reach him!" Scott said and pulled his hand out "Stiles, grab my hand!" Derek said and reached down to Stiles "Got 'em!" Derek said and pulled Stiles up. Everyone helped Stiles up then hugged him. Stiles hugged everyone back and they backed up looking behind Stiles at Derek. Derek sighed and Stiles turned around "You okay?" Derek said and Stiles just looked at him. He couldn't believe how much Derek changed since he got locked up. He looked into Derek's dark rings around his eyes. Looked at his messy hair. Looked at every inch of his body then looked at him in the eyes, "Thank you..." Stiles hugged his sourwolf. "The house better be clean when I get home! I'm inspecting rooms!" Stiles said as he ran home. He went inside and went into Scott's room first "Clean it or no brownies." Stiles told Scott "CLEAN YOUR ROOMS EVERYONE OR NO BROWNIES!!" Stiles said and everyone started cleaning their rooms.

Stiles made brownies "Are your rooms clean?" Stiles asked "Yes." The pack said "2 Brownies each. No fighting." Stiles walked away from the pack and the brownies. He walked to Derek and kissed him "I've missed you..." Stokes said "I've missed you too..." Derek said and kissed Stiles "Nope. No gay shit now!" Isaac said and Derek purposely kissed Stiles "WHAT THE FUCK!" Isaac said and they all laughed. "You have presents." Derek said and pointed to his presents on the table. Stiles walked over to them and opened the one from Jackson first "Thanks Jackson!" Stiles said and opened the rest off his presents. Allison have Stiles a box and he opened it "Aw!! She's so cute! Thank you Alli!!" Stiles grabbed emerald and hugged her and Allison. He played with Emerald the rest of the night in Derek's bed. "Stiles." Derek said looking at Stiles and He looked at his dad wolf "What?" Stiles said "Do you still love me...?" Derek asked " Of course I do Der! Why wouldn't I?!" Stokes said "You don't talk to me much anymore..." Derek said "Derek, I will always love you. No matter what. Okay?" Stiles said "Okay..." Derek hugged Stiles. Derek fell asleep cuddled up with Stiles. Stokes soon after fell asleep too.

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