7. Keep Calm, Kelly...

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Kelly's POV

As soon as I enter my apartment I throw my keys on the counter, and head straight to my room. I sit on my bed and run my hands down my face then through my hair.

Where did you go Fred?

I'm not going to lie and say I wasn't slightly disappointed when he didn't come back... but like I said he probably git sidetracked it's easily done, but I can't dwell on that now- I just want to get into bed.

I begin to unzip my dress as far as I can, but then realize I can't do it myself.

"Fuck my life.." I mutter under my breathe. "ERIC! Get your backside here!" I shout hoping he can hear me from the other room, luckily he did because the man appeared in the doorframe not 5 seconds later. "Good lord woman! Shout any louder and you'll start an earthquake in China."

"Ha ha. Hilarious" I deadpan. Then gesture to the zip on the back of my dress. "A little help?"

Eric smiles and makes his way over. "Of course, m'lady."

"Piss off." I laugh. Eric pulls down the zip.


"Much thank you....okay, that's all I wanted you can go be alone now."

Eric chuckled, began to stand up then sat back down. "Actually, I want to know- just out of curiosity- how did your talk with Freddie go..?" The smirk in his voice getting more and more noticeable.

I roll my eyes. "It was fine if you must know, we have more in common than I originally thought- so I suppose that's good. I think we'll be good friends."

Eric raises an eyebrow. "Not more than friends?"

I sigh, groan and fall back into the bed and place a hand over my face. "Oh.... I don't know. Maybe? But I've only just met the guy. I mean; yes I fancy him, who in there right mind wouldn't? But, I don't want to fall for him and it not work out.... if something happens between us I want it to be real."

"Kelly, he likes you. That's obvious, just if he makes a move let it happen, so what if it doesn't work out? You tried, it's better to try and fail than back out and never know."

I glance at him from the corner of my eye. "When did you become wise?"

"Since you" he says while placing a finger on my chest "are too scared to fall in love."

"Which has been forever. Why are you so good at advice? Seriously, you should stop looking after my sorry ass and start a career in inspirational speaking or become a therapist, since your already practically mine."

Eric sniffs and states. "Nah, I'm fine looking after your 'sorry ass', your a good laugh, I'd be bored to death without you."

"Me too." I tiredly smirk.

"Well, I see your completely shattered. So I'll see you tomorrow, Miss Dixon."

"See you tomorrow, Mr Jones."

Eric walks out the room and I lie there, to tired to move, but I manage to haul myself up and slip off my dress and jump- it shuffle into my pyjamas.

I pull back my bed covers and climb in, letting the soft duvet costume my body. I was just about to close my eyes, when the phone on my bedside table blared out.

Ugh... fuck off!

I decide just to let it ring, screw them. But, it continues. Ugh, fine you bastard I'll answer you.

I reach out and grab the phone, I take a breathe. Don't sound pissed off- don't be a bitch. "Hello?"
I say, putting on my best happy voice.

𝗜𝗺𝗺𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗹 (A Queen or Freddie Mercury Fanfic) 🤍Where stories live. Discover now