9. Manager Issues.

248 17 26

Kelly's POV

Fuck Martin, this is my life- I can do whatever I want to. "Oh Freddie, better now I've heard your voice..."

"Has today been that bad?" Freddie says sympathetically.

A bitter laugh escapes my lips. "Yeah, it's been that bad."

I could sense Freddie's concern through the phone, and hear it clear as day when he said "May I ask what's happened?"

"It's not that important, the day just pissed me off is all." Don't get me wrong now, I want to tell him Martins asshole-ly ness. But, I don't want to bother him with all my problems before I've properly got to know him. Because let's be honest- if he knew all my issues off by heart he'd be fleeing in the opposite direction.

"It obviously is- especially if talking to me of all people has cheered your day" the man giggles.

"Fred, you need to give yourself more credit. You can brighten anyone's day no-matter the seriousness of the situation." As cheesy as that sounds, it is brutally honest. In my opinion anyway.

Freddie hummed. "But, so do you love."

"Touché" I whisper.

"Indeed my dear, now- was please tell me what's the matter because if you don't I'm going to worry about you" He insisted.

I sigh and try to drop the subject. "Really, it's just Martin- nothing special... now-"

"Kelly...!" Freddie groans "Come on, Whats he done?"

"Really- I..ugh.. damn you, Mercury" I laugh out of slight annoyance, not in a bad way I must tell you but I admire his persistence.

A chuckle also emerged from his throat and said "Damn me all you want, but I need to know what's bothering you"

I take a breath and mentally apologise to the man on the other end of the phone for the word vomit I'm about to give him.
"Martin turned up at my door step this morning and because he's the most interfering, selfish, money hungry bastard to ever live- he thought he could just comment on who I'm friends with, telling me what to do like I'm some 5 year old child, saying how I can't be friends with you because it will get in the way of my career. He acts like he owns me and I'm fed up of him stopping me from having friends, or relationships with anyone. But I don't care what he says, he's not taking you from me, your the best person I've ever met and I really like you.."
I stop once I reach that part...oops, that's what happens when you don't think before you speak, still could have been worse- it could have been 'I love you', I guess. Kelly, say something else now before you embarrass yourself "...y know, obviously as a friend. Your a really great friend and he can't stop me, I'll fire him before he gets a chance."

Freddie was silent, probably digesting everything i just threw at him.

"I'm sorry" I apologise, embarrassed at the monologue I just gave. "I just get really pissed" I tell him while putting my head in my free hand, internally cringing from the silence.

"No, no. Not at all, don't apologise it's good to say what's on our minds every now and again. Do you have any idea what your going to do?"

"I have no clue, I haven't really got that far yet." And that's the truth. For the most part anyway, I have had an idea for the last few months about going back to my house in London. As I mentioned a while back, the press I'm England are the worst. But, it's my home country. That idea has strengthened somewhat since meeting Freddie, being hours away from him is a horrible thought.

𝗜𝗺𝗺𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗹 (A Queen or Freddie Mercury Fanfic) 🤍Where stories live. Discover now