Chapter 3 The Traitor

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As night neared Kenya Howled for an meeting at midnight on Dead Blood Rock. Azazel and Phoenix her trusted betas. and Thane her loyal Zeta were all waiting for their Alpha to tell them their orders.  Kenya looked at the stars of the night sky for a minute then looked at her betas and zeta. and sighed as she walked towards them and sat next to her mate Sparrow who tried to comfort her. Kenya looked at Her betas and zeta and took a deep breath and looked at them and spoke with authority "As y'all might have heard My Youngest sister Dawn was attacked this morning by a traitor in my pack. We don't know who the traitor was yet or if there were any other traitors with him but I have wolves out right now watching for them." Azazel looked at his Alpha as his deep blue eyes shifting a slit red " What will we do if we find him?" Kenya turns to Azazel with her deep dark red eyes staring him straight in the eyes "We'll kill him"  Azazel nods not saying another word. As Kenya looks away from her glaze with Azazel a spy named Kanika came and whispered something in Sparrows ear. Sparrow nods and looked towards his mate "I have some business to attend to My love" Kenya nods "Go ahead i'll finish the meeting without you" Kenya looks towards Azazel who was looking at the pack in the distance. "Azazel I want you and Blaze to guard Amber as she Tries to heal my sister Dawn. I have a good feeling that the traitor's not done yet" Azazel nods to his Alpha and walks down the path to Ambers den. Kenya looks back to Phoenix and Thane " I want one of yall to Guard my Brother rone and the other to guard my sister Rieka. I fear they might be next. pick yalls most trusted Warrior to help you guard them" Phoenix and Thane both nodded to their Alpha and Walked down the path to pick their trusted warrior to help them with the task their Alpha gave them. Kenya stayed at the meeting place and stared at the stars as they started to disappear as the sun started to come up hoping that her sister Dawn will be ok. Meanwhile Phoenix chose Mystic to help her guard Rieka as she tended to the young pups. Thane chose Aztec one of his most trusted hunters, to help guard Rone and his mate as they await their little ones. while Thane and Phoenix and the others were watching Kenya's Siblings Sparrow and kanika watched Kenya as she sat up on the meeting rock alone. They watched closely waiting for the right moment to attack the Alpha when she lest suspects it. Sparrow looks at kanika as he notices that Kenya is alone with no one near her " I will give you the sign to attack her" Kanika looks at sparrow his Other Alpha " Why do you want me to kill your mate for?" Sparrow glares back at kanika " I never loved her. I just went along with it because My father The Red Saint told me to get close to her. and when the time is right kill her with no hesitation!"  Kanika nodded and hid in a bush waiting for the signal. as Sparrow walks up the path to his mate. Once Sparrow got to where Kenya was sitting he sat down beside her and smiled "How is my love doing?" Kenya smiled slightly " I'm just worried about my little sister Dawn. She was attacked this morning. as you heard last night. " Sparrow looks into the distances "I'm sure Dawn Will pull through. She's a very strong wolf." Kenya smiled a little "yeah she is" Sparrow looked at his mate " Why don't we go on a walk to clear your mind some. We haven't walked with each other in a while" Kenya looked at Sparrow "Alright. Let's go now" Sparrow nodded " Ok follow me i know a beautiful place to go." Kenya nodded and followed her mate down the path into the woods on the other side of her pack territory away from everyone in her pack. Sparrow stopped at a hanging tree branch. "It's just behind that branch My love. go and i'll be right behind you" Kenya nodded not thinking twice about it and walked through the hanging branch to a beautiful lake view with bright flowers lining the lake. Kenya sat down by a tree at the far right of the lake and waited for her Mate to come. As Kenya sat by the tree Sparrow had kanika slowly sneak up behind her getting ready to attack her. Sparrow walked and sat a few feet in front of Kenya " It's a beautiful view aint it?" Kenya nodded "It is" Sparrow glanced behind her and then looked back at Kenya " you know you are one Naive Alpha." Kenya perked her ears "What do you mean by that" Sparrow laughed "you just walked into a trap. KANIKA NOW!!!!" Kanika Pounced on Kenya from behind her and pinned her. Kenya growled and tried to push kanika off her "How Could you Sparrow!! I thought you loved me" Sparrow laughed " I never loved you. I only pretended to so I could get close to you and you pathetic pack. it was all part of my father's Red Saints Plan.'' Kenya growled managing to get free from kanika's gripped and tackled sparrow "You Bastard!! I should've known you were a worthless piece of shit." Kenya grabbed Sparrow by his neck and slang him into a tree.  Sparrow yelped. Kanika Tackled Kenya and bit her muzzle drawing blood "You Bitch! Don't You Ever attack my Alpha!!" Kenya yelped and pushed Kanika off of her. Kanika got up and Grabbed Kenya By the throat and pinned her down. Sparrow got up weakly and walked to Kenya " You are one tough Alpha. But you are Weak Compared to me" Azazel came outta nowhere and pinned sparrow down by his neck growling " Let Go of my Alpha or he gets it!!" Azazel growled at kanika as he pressed down on Sparrows neck earning a yelp from Sparrow as blood slowly started to drain from his neck. Kanika quickly let go of Kenya's neck. Azazel tosses sparrow aside and runs over to Kenya and picks her up. Sparrow laughs weakly " You wont get away with this. Kenya. My father will kill every one of your pack members and you as well!" Sparrow coughed weakly and smiled as his breath slowed as he died. Azazel looks at Kenya "Let's go back to the pack grounds where Amber can tend to your wounds Alpha. Azazel walked beside his Alpha to the pack grounds. Once they got their Dawn was waiting with all the other pack members. Dawn rushes over to Kenya "What happened Kenya!!" Kenya smiled weakly at Dawn " I was Attacked by My Mate and Kanika.." Dawn growls "Kanika Attacked me as well!!" all the pack members start to growl " They Attack our Alpha and her Sibling!!! That Means War!!!" Kenya looks up at her pack "Yes.. They attacked me and my sister and by attacking us they have Issued a war with us!" 

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