Chapter 5: The War

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As dawn neared Kenya prepared her pack for the approaching war. As Kenya sat at the entrance of her den thinking she knew this could be her only chance to get her revenge. and it could lead to the death of her or her arch rival the Red Saint. As Kenya sat at the entrance of her den Azazel one of her most trusted and loyal wolves who never left her side from the begining. and Blaze a fun loving warrior came and sat beside her "Alpha?! We have all the pack trained and ready for war. Are You Ok?" Kenya snaps out of her train of thought and looks quickly at Blaze and Azazel "Hm?! yes. I'm ok and good have the guards on full alert." Blaze nodded and walked away while Azazel stared at Kenya for a minute then nodded and than turned and followed behind Blaze. Kenya got up and walked to Ambers den a big den with three beds in it for the hurt pack member. on the back wall of ambers den it had all sorts of healing herbs and healing things. on two of the bed layed Dawn and Nyko. Amber Smiled as her alpha as she walked in "How Are They?!" Amber look at her alpha "They're healing quite well!?" Amber glanced at her alpha as she noticed the look of concern on her face before speaking calmly. "Yes. They will be able to fight in the war." Kenya sighed "that's good. keep up the good work Amber." Amber nods and Slightly looks at her Alpha "And how is my alpha doing?" Kenya glances away from Ambers Gaze "Im Fine. just ready for this war to be over." Amber nods slightly as Kenya  "Mhm?!".

Meanwhile At the Red Saints Territory. Kanika and Sparrow were gathering up all of the Shadow Demons which were dark black wolves with red eyes and bloody stained claws their teeth were sharp as razors. and Death HellHounds which were Tall Wolves with a firey coat and dark black eyes. they have fire coming of their paws. all they crave is blood from their innocent prey. All of them met down in the Shadow realm. Which Was a dark forest with a brick path way that leads to hell. in the forest there are two building type place to the right and left of it. one is where Red Saint tortures his captured enemies and the other is where The Red Saint Has His meetings. the right building is the meeting place. it has The Red Saints Throne in it which is a big red spiked throne with Skulls hanging off the spikes. his throne sits on a big rock which sits at the furthest wall. in the middle there is a large brick platform where all the demons and hell hounds sit. Once The Red Saint entered the building and sat down on his throne. He waited for all the shadow Demons and Death HellHounds to get seated. Once they were seated he got up and spoke "Today my Demons and Creatures of Hell is The Day We Finally Kill the last of the Lunas. She and her pathetic siblings have been running from me in fear. But today They will FALL BY MY FANGS!!!!" All the Demons and Hells creatures roared with excitement. the Red Saint Looks at them "There will Be No One Left of Kenya's Worthless Pack!! It's Time To Bring The War To Her" The Red Saint Jumped down off his throne and Walked to the gates of hell and to Kenya's Territory. all of his army followed him.

Kenya walked out of Ambers den and to the meeting area which was a large open area with a large rock on top of a cave at the edge of her territory where Azazel, Blaze, Thane and the rest of the pack were waiting. Kenya hopped up on the rock and sat down beside Azazel and Phoenix. while Thane and Blaze sat down beneath them waiting for Kenya to speak. Kenya took a deep breath and spoke up with her Alpha tone in confidence "I know yall must be scared But Don't Be. This is what yall were trained for. I will not let The Red Saint Take another one of my Family members. I will fight till the death for my pack and family. We Will Show him that were not backing down. We Will Stand up and fight for our pack and territory. No Matter the cost. If I die tonight Your New Alpha will Be Azazel. I expect yall to pay him the up most respect.Got It? " The pack nodded at their alpha request "Yes Alpha!!" Kenya looked up as she saw the sun rising then she looked at her pack "It Is Time!" Kenya jumped down and prepared her pack for the arrival of the Red Saint. As the Sun Reached its highest point. As Kenya turned her head her eyes caught the figure of The Red Saint a dark wolf who’s muzzle was scarred with blood as his fangs were barred His body looked rough and brittled with scars, his eyes reminded her of the day she witnessed her fathers death. As He Step outta the Forests clearing with His pack stood in front of her  pack waiting to attack. The Red Saint Starred into Kenya bright redish blue eyes and Smiled Demonically at Her than at her pack "Ah so this is where you've been hiding my dear? What A nice place. to bad it's going to be stained with your blood and your packs." Kenya growled at Red Saint "I wouldn't be so sure. the only blood that is going to be stained is your and your followers." The Red Saint Growled " GET THEM!!" The res saints pack attacked Kenyas. Kenya Growled "NOW!!" Both packs fought and blood was scattered everywhere. Azazel quickly grabbed Kanika by the Neck and slung him into a tree.Kanika yelped and got up and pinned Azazel Biting his Neck. Azazel easily flung him off and grabbed him by the throat and slung him into a rock ripping his windpipe out instantly killing him. Azazel killed all of Red Saints top Demons one by one. The Red Saint Swiftly pined Kenya and locked his jaws around her neck. Kenya quickly sunk her claws into Red Saint's neck and Clawed his stomach open with her back claws. The Red Saint instantly lets go and backs up. Kenya Quickly got up and Sunk her teeth in the Red Saint Neck and slung into the ground pinning him down. The War Lasted for hours. Kenya pressed her teeth into the Red Saints Dark Black Neck and Crushed his windpipes. the pressure of Kenyas bite instantly killed him. Sparrow saw his father die by the fangs of his once mate. Out of anger Sparrow quickly tackled Kenya and bit her neck pinning her to the ground. Kenya Yelped and Tried to push him off but it was hopeless she was weak from the battle with her and the Red Saint. the rest of Kenya's pack stood there in horror as her once mate pressed his teeth in their alphas neck. Azazel saw the once mate of his alpha attack her and instantly Jumped on sparrow's back and sunk his teeth into the back of sparrow's neck. Sparrow instantly let go of Kenya's neck and tried to sling Azazel off him. Azazel jumped off Sparrow's back and Bit his eye out. Sparrow yelped. and tried to claw Azazel. Azazel swiftly moved and Tackled spparow to the ground and ripped out his windpipe and licked the blood off his muzzle "No one attacks my Alpha while i'm still alive"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2020 ⏰

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