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He awoke to giggling. And slowly opened his eye and tried to sit up only to find that throughout their time asleep Hermione had someone curled up on top of/ next to Harry and was sleeping and looking totally undisturbed. Beautiful. I could stay like this all day. Then he remembered the giggling and slowly looked up to see most of the 7th year Gryffindors surrounding them. Realizing what it probably looked like, Harry turned red immediately which only led to further giggles and catcalls which led to Hermione burrowing further into Harry trying to block out the sound. That earned a round of awws and that's when Harry finally came to his senses and started to wake Hermione up.
It was a long process considering the night Hermione had had but she eventually woke up to her embarassment and quickly made her way upstairs with a red face.
---------------------------------------------------------------Once Hermione and Harry and finished getting ready for class they had started walking down to breakfast together only to get stopped by Ron.
"Hey guys. Ummm I realized that i was being kind of a prick yesterday and wanted to uhh apologize." Harry and Hermione looked at each other and smiled a silent agreement between the two.
"Apology accepted Ronald but only if you work on those silencing charms" Hermione said smirking. Ron turned red and tried to defend himself but it was a lost cause and soon the three were eating breakfast together in the Great Hall.
Ron had just taken a big spoonful of pooridge when he asked "whmsa babst sou foo?"
"Excuse me?" Hermione asked laughing yet slightly disgusted by Ron's behavior.
"I said" Ron finished swallowing "What about you too? I saw you guys this morning." At this point both Harry and Hermione started choking on their food. "It was kinda hard not notice you two cuddling why didn't you two tell me you were dating?"  Both Harry and Hermione turned red at the question.
"You've got it wrong mate. Me and Mione" Hermione gave Harry a pointed look "sorry Hermione and I aren't dating we just..." He paused not knowing whether he should discuss what they talked about this morning. "Stayed up late talking about a Muggle telly programme" Harry finished happy with himself at the lie he had created.
"Oh okay" Ron looked only slightly less suspicious" well since that's all settled I think its time we go see ole' sluggy for a lesson in potions. Hopefully we will do something interesting." All three of them groaned at the thought of double potions with the Slytherins on Thursday mornings.
--------------------------------------------------------------- "Alright class today we are going to be reviewing an extra hard potion from last years curriculum can anyone guess what the potion is? I'll give three hints"
Slughorn began "Number one: you definetly Love the smell of this potion" the class remained silent
"Okay I thought that was an easy one. Number two: the steam from this potion creates spirals that swirl into different patterns" Hermiones hand instantly went up.
"Ahh. Miss Granger what are we studying today?"
"Amortentia Sir. Its the most powerful love potion in the world and it smells like the things that attract you the most"
"Great job Miss. Granger 20 points to Gryffindor. Now you've all made this potion before but as a reminder I'll will put the ingredients and steps on the board start brewing.... Now"
Harry and Hermione teamed up and while Harry got the supplies Hermione started the base of the potion. By the end of class everyone had a vial of there potion turned in. Some teams were more successful than other. Most of the Slytherins were successful while a couple of Gryffindors had potions that were the wrong color or had previously exploded.
"Alright everyone stand in a line starting behind Mr. Malfoy over here. Now I'm going to let each of you smell my vial of the potion so that you all can write me a two foot essay on amortentia, its properties and its smell to you." The class groaned but was also excited at the prospect of smelling the potion.
Hermione was third in line while Harry was fifth and Ron sixth each one excited to see what they'd smell. Hermione stepped up and moved closer to the cauldron.
Mhmm it smells , old books, like in the library, and home like cooking at home or at the burrow, just a smell of home and the last smell was woody and kinda outdoorsy. Its gonna take me a while to place that one so I'll step away to give the next person the chance to smell while I figure... Oh my Hermione chanced a look at Harry her face instantly turned red. I can't believe this it smells like Harry. Harry Potter. My best friend the one person who has been there for everything. Oh my what am I going to do. I know I'll be cool and calm and just pretend it something normal like like toothpaste or somethjng. Something that could be related to many different people not my best friend. While Hermione was having her mint crisis Harry and Ron and went and smelled. Ron smelled the Burrow, Lavenders perfume, and leather like from quidditch. Harry had predicted his but it still made his face go red after he looked at Hermione. Broom polish, the woods,and mint shampoo. I mean who am I kidding did I really think I wasn't going to smell at least one thing associated with Hermione? I mean I love her so much it hurts sometimes. All three of the trio were stuck in their own thoughts while they walked to their next class and Hermione was distracted the rest of the day.

During dinner Hermione was still in her thoughts. What am I supposed to do. I can't talk to Harry about this can I? And definetly not Ron he is just not subtle or quiet about anything. Harry would know in minutes. I think I might be able to ask Harry what to do if I'm careful on how I word stuff. Yeah thats what I'll do I'll be super vague. I'll wait till Ron goes up to bed and we're alone. After that Hermione calms down enough to have decent conversations throughout dinner and after while the boys are playing wizards chess. After Ron goes to,bed and its just the two of them Hermione thinks its her time to ask.
They ask at the same time. They laugh at themselves and Harry allows Hermione to talk first.
"Ummm. Eerrr. Harry I've got a question. Well my Amortentia smell like someone but I'm not sure if I should tell him about it. I just really like him and recently realized I love him a lot. And I don't want to ruin anything. What do you suggest I do? " Hermione asks biting her lip in a nervous habit. Harry smiles at that but it immediately goes away when he realized that Hermione is obviously talking about Ron. I wonder why he looks so sad all of the sudden? Hermione thinks to herself. "Ummm. Well Hermione. I mean Ron is in a relationship and I think he's pretty serious about her and I dont want you getting too much more hurt at his rejection. I'm glad you've figured out your feelings but I think that Ron is kinda a lost cause. " Harry says all this very fast and end pretty quietly. Hermione almost doesn't catch everything. Hermione turns pink because Harry's guess is a little too close to comfort.
"Oh well I mean its not Ron." Harry looks shocked.
"Its not?? But you always look so sad when you see him and Lavender together and get so angry afterwards?"
"Well, I mean I did like him for a while but I don't love him not anymore and im always so,angry because he blows us off and you always look so sad so I'm mad at him for making you sad." Harry laughs "I'm always sad because I see how sad you get and then how angry you get! Hah!" Hermione laughs as well.
"Well now that we have that sorted what advice do you got for me?" Hermione asks Harry shyly. "Well erm..." Harry rubs his neck anxiously. What the hell am I gonna say I can't give her advice to go after a guy before I've talked to her, but also thats not fair to Hermione. Hermiones happiness is more important Harry decides. "I'd say go for it. You're smart and beautiful any guy would be lucky to have you love them. I mean your absolutely wonderful" Harry begins to rant which causes Hermione to smile and now shes decided exactly what she needs to do. "You are also super kind and loyal to all of your friends. You put their needs before your own. You're a bloody amazing friend and I don't know what I would do without you" Harry tapers off realising he may have gone a tad overboard. He blushes and looks at Hermione and sees she's smiling widely at him. Suddenly she's right in front of him and quickly pecks him on the lips. She pulls away blushing redder than a Weasley. Harry smiles and pulls her close and kisses her hard. Its the most wonderful thing he's ever felt and he never wants to stop. Hermione pulls away and smiles and just says,

"I love you too"

The end

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