Chapter 2

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FROM Pink, shiny, dazzling sweaters to purple jeans, Mother's directions on "Don't wear anything too flashy" were quite difficult to follow. I skim shirt to shirt, jeans to skirts, and not one thing was decent enough. Am I really this girly? I don't even have regular denim jeans or just a plain tee. I crouch on the ground and groan. Then right by me I feel a plastic hanger on my thigh. I look to see a jean skirt with bows on the pockets in the front.  I pick it up by the hanger. Okay, good. Now I have pants. Now, if all I could find was a decent shirt. I turn around to see how the skirt will look on me in the mirror. Pretty cute, not really anything dazzling..which is good, according to Mother. I look up and notice that I am actually wearing a plain purple cotton tee with long sleeves. Perfect!

 I run to the bathroom to change. I take my clothes off and put them to the side. Then I slide on my tee and skirt. Looks fine for now. I braid my long, blonde hair in the back and secure it with an elastic. Mother always says braids made my blue eyes shine, which I don't understand. I grab my red toothbrush, floss, and some toothpaste and of course, brush my teeth. I exit the bathroom and look for some shoes. I surprisingly don't have that many pairs. Just one pair of heels, 2 pairs of tennies, and 1 pair of white, floral flats. I remember my father bought me these about a year ago.

 I check the time on my clock. Seven thirty, crap! I grab my jeweled backpack and run out of the house as fast as I can. I slam the door shut and notice the bus stop is far down the street. "Nononono, this can't happen! I can't be late!" I run and run and run until I end up tripping and falling down the grass by the sidewalk until I finally hit into something to stop me - the stop sign.

 "Ouch!" I say while trying to get up. I wipe the dirt off my clothing.

 "That must've hurt. Where'd you learn to get that clumsy?" I look up to see a tall girl with jet black hair staring at me with hazel eyes. She's wearing a loose black shirt and black skinny jeans.

 "Uhh..." I don't know what to say.

 "Ugh, come on. Get up." The girl says while reaching her hand out to me. I grab it firmly and crawl up.

 "Uhm..thank you!" I say. "What's your name?"

 "Eve. You?"

 "Oh. It's a wonderful pleasure to meet you! I am Samantha."

 Eve sighs as she looks behind me to see a girl about my age walking torwards us. This girl looks almost just like her!

 "Why hello there Jerkatron." She insults to the girl.

 "Na na na na myuh. I'm Eve and I'ma stuupid heaad! Nya na na myuh." She mocks in a high pitched voice.

  "Samantha, meet Lili. Lili, Samantha, Samantha, Lili" Eve says.

 "Oh, so that's your name! Well, nice to meet you Lili!" I exclaim.

 "It's not that nice." Eve mumbles.

 "Nice to meet you too!" She says with a wide smile and shakes my hand firmly.

 After what it seems like forever, the bright orange school bus arrives. Finally something that doesn't look ancient. The two front doors slide open and I walk in behind Eve and Lili up the small stairs. This bus actually isn't that big. I see about, 10 people scattered in different seats on the bus. Eve chooses the one in the very left back, and sits alone. Lili runs over to the third right seat and starts patting the seat by her side.

 "Sit here, Samantha!"

 "Oh, uh, alright." I say, ending with a smile.

 I walk to the seat by Lili. I sit down and lay my backpack on the floor by me.

 "So, I never seen you here before, Samantha. Is this your first day of school?" Lili questions.

 "Yes, I just moved to Merricrest about 2 months ago." I reply.

 "Oh, cool! I moved here about a year ago."

 The bus starts moving, and stopping. Moving, stopping. More and more people get on. I wonder where Eve is. I turn around and I see her at the very back, staring at her iPhone. I guess she's alright.  I turn around and soon enough, after driving over cracked, wedged roads and stopping at almost every home, the bus finally arrives to the school, in which is huge.

 "Pretty neat, huh?" Lili tells me, and points at the school.

 "Yeah, the other school I have went to" I reply.

 Lili giggles at my statement. The bus driver opens the two doors and the people in the front exit the bus. Soon enough Lili and I get out of our seats and leave through the doors.

 Like I said, the school is huge. As we enter through the thick, polished wooden doors, I see newly made metal lockers in the front. They are arranged in a horseshoe shape. Then in the middle of that are twirling, glossy wooden stairs leading to multiple floors. On the left side there is the office, and on the right is the library. This truly looks beautiful!

 "Samantha, follow me! Let's get you a locker!" Lili exclaims. She takes my hand and drags me into the office while running.

 "Lili, how many times do I have to warn you not to run?" A tall woman wearing a grey dress asks her sternly. I see a nametag on her dress that reads 'Principal Margaret'.

 "Sorry Principal Margaret, but I just came here to ask you if Samantha can get a locker." She speaks.

 The principal looks at me and smiles. "You must be the new one here,"

 "Uh yes, I am." I smile back at her nervously.

 "Well, welcome Samantha. I hope you enjoy it here as much as we do." Her smile widens and she walks over to a cabinet under her desk. She pulls out a small paper and hands it to me. "This is your locker number and combination. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask me or a teacher. Good luck!" She tells me. I nod and thank her. As Lili and I exit I look at the paper. Hmm, locker number 778, and combination is 2-19-35. Lili steals my paper to look at it. She gasps.

 "What is it?" I question.

 "Your locker is right by mine!" She squeals. "Follow me, I know where it is." She speed walks by the library and stops at the very locker right by it. "Okay this is yours," She points to the locker that has a plated tag reading '778'.

 "Thanks!" I smile.

 "No problem! I'm just so excited we have lockers by each other!" She jumps up and down.

"Me too!" I exclaim. I really am happy my locker's by her. I was really afraid I would be a loner at school and now I kind of already have a...friend.

--Chapter 3 Coming Soon--

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