Chapter 2

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   "Andy, Andy, wake up sweetie. Were here in Omaha." My mom said. "Oh sorry I guess I was in a pretty deep sleep." I laughed. We exited the plane. I followed my parents with no clue where we were going. I was trailing behind until we arrived at the baggage claim. We grabbed our bags and where headed off to another location. Later we arrived at the car rental. We were going to rent one until ours arrived from Michigan. We then got into the car and left. Right when I put my ass down into the seat I fell into another deep sleep. Typical me I know.

    "Wake up sleepy head," I heard my mom say. "Were here." I perked upright away and right infront of my was this large beautiful stone house with a billion windows and a red front door. I asked, "Is this our house?" "It sure is," my dad replied. I got out of the car right away without a care in the world. I walked straight in without any permission. I looked around and it was truly gorgeous. I walked up the beautiful wooden spiral stair wall. There were 5 bedrooms from what I could tell. When I was downstairs I noticed that there bedroom. Probably my parents. At the end of the hall, there was this one bedroom that stuck out like a sore thumb. I walked in and instantly new it was mine, it was my dream bedroom. It was all white with a dash of black here and there. The walls where all white with some of my favorite quotes coated in black. The floor was a prefect white marbel. All the furniture was white and there was a large flat screen TV. This was the life. I looked at the king sized bed thah had a white duvet with black flowers all over it. It had a black outline surrouding the flowers in a perfect square. Moving on from the bed. I noticed to doors. I opened up the first one to reveal my closet with all my clothes. I was astonished that they were all there. I moved on into the second door. Inside was a huge gorgeous bathroom. I thought to myself is this the master bedroom? Cause if not my parents room must be amazing. I went down stairs to explore more.

     When I got down the stairs I was greeted by my mom. She asked if I wanted dinner and I replied with a simple "yes." During dinner my parents asked in I like the house. I said yes and i told them i thought it was beautiful. "School starts next week so tomorrow you need to go by the school and register for all your classes," my mom told me. "Okay, I will." I said. "Good, that will give you some oppurtinites to meet some people." My farther exclaimed. "Yeah I guess it will. May I be excused I finished my dinner." I replied. "Yeah go ahead. Go to sleep, I dont want you up all night. And with that i went up the unfimiliar stairs and walked down the unfimilar hallway, into the unfimilar room, into the unfimilar bed. I thought about what this place might bring to my pleasure. And with that I drifted off into a deep sleep.
So howd you guys like it? I know it was kinda boring but the next chapter will be some much.

Intoxicated Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now