Chapter 3

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I woke up this morning remembering that I have to go down to my new school and register. I was not excited. I slowly got myself out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After I took my shower I went over to my closet and picked out my offit for the day. I grabbed some dark wash shorts, a gray vans shirt, and some all black vans. I went over to my vanity and pick on some foundation and mascara. Once I was okay with my look I grabbed my phone and went down stairs. Once I got down stairs my mom told me that my car had arrived. I grabbed my keys off the counter and went outside to see my 1992 black Ford truck lifted that had bull horns, pink windshield wipers, and camo seat covers. Oh boy had I missed this truck and it had only been 2 days! I took off headed to school.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Once I got to the school ready to register I walked inside and went to the office.

I talked to the lady and got all my classes. I got all my main core classes which were Chemistry, English, History, and Calculus. I had study hall at the end of the day. I said thank you to the lady and walked out of the office.


1 week later; first day of school

*BEEP BEEP BEEP* I woke up to my annoying alarm. Ugh is it really the first day of school? I don't wanna go. I got out of bed and went to pick out my offit. I showered the night before so I didn't need to shower again. I open the door to my closet and grabbed some medium wash jeans, black and white striped crop top, with my all black vans. I put on some mascara, eyeliner, and foundation. I straighten my hair and I was ready to go. I went down stairs and grabbed my backpack and keys and drove to school.

When I got to school I didn't even bother going to my locker, I was just gonna carry my stuff all day. I wanted to get there early because I had to find all my classes. I started looking for room F12 which was Chemistry. I thought to myself, to early for that. I heard the first bell ring. Then the second and the next one was going to be the tardy bell! Oh no this can't be happening, I can't be late on the first day. I started running until I accidently ran into someone. "Watch were your going new girl," this manly voice said. "Excuse me? I'm sorry but I wasn't looking so don't get all asswipey with me, and how do you know i'm new?" I asked fustruatedly. "We don't get many new people here and I know everyone." He said. "Well thats great," I said.

I walked away a little upset because of him.

I finally found my class right before the tardy bell rang. I walked in and saw the same dark brown hair, brown eyes, and tall figure as before. There was only one seat left and it was next to him and this blonde kid. I walked over and took my seat next to them. I felt kinda awkward considering I had just ran into the dark haired one.

"Hey its you," the dark haired boy said.

"Yeah it is, what do you want?" I said quite annoyed.

"What climbed up your ass? I'm Jack by the way," Jack said.

"Great do I look like I care?" I said flustered.

"Aren't you going to tell me your name?" He whispered.

"I wasn't planning on it," I said pissed off

"Well then this is Jack or JJ, or Johnson." He said pointing at the blond kid next to him.

"Hey," JJ said

"Hey I'm Andy," I said in return.

"So you tell Johnson your name but not me?" Jack said.


"Well your fiesty and I like fiesty girls so you should come to my back to school party tonight," Jack said. I smiled, "Maybe I will." "I'll text you the details, give me your phone after class." I just nodded and went back to listening to the teacher.

When class ended Jack came up to me and I gave him my phone. He typed in his number and said, "I'll text you my address, it starts at 8. Wear something cute." I blushed at his remark. I responded with a simple "Okay" and went on to my next class.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2015 ⏰

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